Securing your Future: Thriving with the AI Revolution

Adeola Adedoyin
4 min readFeb 1, 2023

Disclaimer: I am not an expert on AI, I am however, an enthusiast and I research things that interest me……a lot.
I am also not saying Ai has gained sentience or will gain sentience in the near future, we’re still in the age of dumb AI.

Get comfortable with AI, use it, learn it and you will secure your future. Add more skill set to your bag, specialize and go into fields that AI won't easily be able to run more efficiently and faster than you.

In 2020 I came upon GPT from Open AI, researched on it and desperately tried to get my hands on this product by asking people on Twitter even though I did not have the expertise to run any of the codes or prompts then.

I have always had a passing fascination for AI, being a big sci-fi consumer while young and seeing this tech grow at the exponential rate it is now is quite interesting.

The noise surrounding AI, chatgpt, midjourney will eventually die down, as it is human nature to move to new and interesting topics regularly, but make no mistake, Artificial Intelligence is a force to be reckoned with, and it’s not going anywhere when it comes to the impact it can have.

Its impact on the human race is undeniable and will shape the future of our society in ways we cannot yet imagine. AI has long been integrated into industries such as finance, manufacturing, and data analysis for a long time. For example, if you didn’t know, stock trading floors of the 80s have been largely replaced by AI processing millions of trades per second for the last 20 years or so.

Open AI enters the chat

However, the advent of OpenAI has taken this technology to a whole new level.

At the forefront of OpenAI’s innovations is ChatGPT, a pre-trained model designed to have natural language conversations. ChatGPT is revolutionizing the way we interact with AI. It offers human-like responses, breaking away from the traditional robotic-sounding answers of the past.

Another breakthrough is Midjourney, a model trained on millions of pictures that can create its own, “mostly” unique iterations of these images or sometimes, a whole, never-before-seen picture.

Open AI also had an image production model, but this trails behind Midjourney based on my usage of both in the last 2 months for now.

I would say the most significant difference between AI in the past and the AI being developed right now is “access”. For the first time in a long time, widespread usage of this by the population is being done and this will only speed up the rate at which AI grows.

The more we use these machines and provide them with information, the better they get at understanding us and providing us with better answers.

AI learns……..a lot

In my head, I describe technology as “building upon previous innovations to create new ones” and nothing embodies that more than the state of Ai.

By its very nature, AI learns from every input we give to it. There are of cause instances where more input doesn't generate more understanding or benefit, but that's where human intervention comes in.

Will AI replace you?


Now is the time to embrace this technology. The future is what we make of it, and by diving into the AI revolution, we can secure our place in the future job market and businesses. While it’s true that some industries and jobs are at risk, the ones that are most susceptible are those at the lower end of the skill gap.

This would mean if you're just starting out in many fields concerning content creation, art, copywriting, coding, design or even if you're selling paintings or writing essays for people for a fee. No matter if you're an employee or a business owner, your source of income could be at risk and you need to skill up, integrate new businesses or use AI.

Those who specialize in unique, hybrid digital/physical jobs, or those who are particularly skilled at integrating AI into their workflows, will likely be in the best position to survive.

All these however aren't coming right now in 2023, so, don’t be afraid of AI taking your job just yet. I would implore yall to embrace it, learn from it, and use it to your advantage. The future is yours to create, and with AI by your side, the possibilities are endless.

I’ll leave yall with one exercise, guess where I used AI to write this article and where it was all me :).

