Graphology — A HandWriting Analysis Tool (Part 2)

Adeesh Unnikrishnan
4 min readAug 11, 2020


In previous post i.e(Part 1), I have explained on how to analyze a sentence and get an overall characteristic of the person. Again as i said previously, it is a pseudoscience but worth to learn.

Here, i will show you how to decode each letter ; the way it is written which gives some more detail about his/her personality traits.

Note: 99.99% of people will never write an entire paragraph in “capital letters”, Even if it is a single sentence we can decode by the slant,slope,pressure and lines used. Hence the probability of analysing is high.

Letters To See ::

0. Letters :: (( A quick glimpse ))

  • Big letters refers that, the person wants to be noticed or the passage has an information which should be noted/double-checked.
  • Small letters refer that, the person is reserved and never wants to leave the page empty i.e if a paper is fully filled without any spaces, that shows how much the person brain is filled with.
  • Tiny letters refers that, the person has low self-esteem , low self-confidence and gets clouded between reality and fantasy.

1. Looper — letter y and g :

Letter y & g has the common style of writing, the loop

Bigger loop -

  • It indicates the person wants to be surrounded by people.
  • He/She is a type of person who has lot of knowledge but fails to implement because of the fear of failure and also worries what others think.

Decorative loop -

  • In simple term , Overly Decorated the writing is, Overly decorated in real life.
  • These type of people can be manipulated easily.

No loop -

  • emotionally balanced and always thinks logically.
  • never takes risks in life.

Weird loop -

  • weird the lower zone, weird the person is

2. Letter K :

Letter “k” represents the resistant level.

  • humour, intellectual and creativity.
  • If word has a capital letter “K” or ends with a capital letter “K”. eg:hacK,baKe,raKe. This shows the person has a high resistant level and also he/she cannot be controlled,they are like free spirited and does what they like.
  • Being in a relationship with this kind of person is slightly a red flag because they are always unpredictable.

3. Letter o, e:

Letter O represents the integrity of a person /how trustworthy he or she is — look whether the loop is joined towards the left side(inwards) of the letter…

  • If the “O” loop is joined towards the left side it means the person is liar such that he/she never live to themselves.
  • The person has always excuses/reasons or in other words never accepts to the mistake they have done.

Letter “e” represents the listeners i.e if the letter has very small loop or no loop.

  • They hear only what they want to hear.

4. Letter t,d,l:

Letters t and d, represents confidence and self esteem.

Letter “t”, look at the stem and which direction it is pointing to,

  • If the “t-bar” is high , the person has a strong self-esteem, confidence and ambitious in nature
  • if the “t-bar” is low, the person has low-self esteem , agrees to others opinion and can be manipulated easily

Letter “d” and “l” , look at the height and the oval shape.

  • The higher the stem , says they are proud of themselves such as about their looks,achievements..etc
  • It also symbolises the boldness in him/her.

5. Letter a,c :

Letter a,c ; the way the letter written such that it has a sharp edge at the bending of the letter .

  • The person is variety lover, it is like never-ending game for them.
  • Never settles with what he/she has ,even when they have claimed what they desired.

6. Signatures ::

Ask a person to sign in a blank sheet and the place he/she signs explains a bit about them.

Left - The person is more traditional.

Middle - The person is considered to be in a balanced state,yet stays in comfort zone.

Right - The person is an adventure seeker.

7. The Perfectionist ::

The HandWriting which goes perfectly in a straight line even on a unruled blank paper.

  • trustworthy
  • lives according to a to-do list
  • but the only cons is that, people with so perfect in everything tends to get panic or freaked out when they messed up with things which didn’t go according to their plan(this might seem normal with everyone, but perfectionist are at extreme level).

8. Egoistic ::

The Hand-Writing has extra large capital letters than their normal size.Need not explain how an egoistic person behaves :(…

9. Line Of Society ::

It means he/she knows the balance in the reality , their environment and behaving pattern with living things… most of the people has it because of “common sense”.

But there are people who don’t, hence we can see in their handwriting

  • If the left margin is correctly balanced then it is said to be a good trait,he or she maintains the line.

eg : eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

  • if it went zig-zag or goes imbalanced compared to the above example, then , that’s the person we have to be aware of..

Summary ::

In both part1 and part2 , i have given the approx details of graphology where one could easily say how the person is, how he behaves with the environment, how we have to be aware of…. In future posts, i will detail out the advanced graphology methods once i complete my research on it.

Now, you know how to analyse it, check with your handwriting and also your people and try to understand the hidden traits behind them 😉.



Adeesh Unnikrishnan

Future enthusiast,Researcher,Hacker,Techie and high curiosita in gaining tons of knowledge.