Personal Quest for Meaning: A Philosophical Journey into the Purpose of Human Existence

Ade Gusti Kumbara
6 min readJul 30, 2023


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I’ve always been fascinated by the question of the purpose of human existence.

According to an article by Psychology Today, this quest for meaning is a fundamental aspect of the human experience, driving us to explore the deeper aspects of life.

From ancient philosophers to modern thinkers, this topic has been a central theme in various philosophical discussions.

Join me as I take you on a journey through history, exploring existentialism, spirituality, science, and ethics, all in pursuit of understanding the meaning of our existence.

The Historical Perspective

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In ancient times, philosophers like Socrates and Plato laid the groundwork for contemplating the purpose of human life.

As mentioned in an article by the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, Socrates encouraged self-examination and introspection, believing that the unexamined life is not worth living.

On the other hand, Plato proposed the theory of Forms, positing that our world is but a reflection of perfect and eternal ideals. These early ideas set the stage for deeper philosophical inquiries.

Eastern Philosophies and Their Notions of Purpose

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Turning to the East, we encounter profound insights from Buddhism and Taoism.

According to BBC Religion & Ethics, Buddhism teaches that life is filled with suffering, but through enlightenment, we can transcend it and find purpose.

Taoism, on the other hand, advocates for harmony with nature and the flow of existence. Both of these perspectives offer alternative lenses through which to view the quest for meaning.

Existentialism: Meaning in a World Without Inherent Purpose

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Existentialism emerged as a prominent philosophical movement in the 20th century, grappling with the idea of a universe devoid of inherent meaning. In an article by The School of Life, Jean-Paul Sartre’s existentialist ideas emphasize human freedom, responsibility, and authenticity.

He famously said, “Existence precedes essence,” suggesting that our choices define our essence. Embracing the burden of freedom and the anxiety of choice, Sartre encourages us to create our own meaning.

Albert Camus, another influential existentialist, delved into the concept of absurdity. In the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, Camus argues that life is inherently devoid of meaning, yet humans possess an innate desire to find it.

Embracing the absurdity of existence, he urges us to rebel against the meaninglessness and find purpose through artistic expression and the pursuit of our passions.

The Search for Transcendence: Religion and Spirituality

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For many individuals, religion and spirituality offer solace and a sense of purpose.As discussed in an article by Pew Research Center, major world religions provide varying interpretations of human existence and our place in the cosmos.

Religious practices and rituals often serve as a guide in the pursuit of meaning.However, not everyone finds answers within organized religion. In recent years, a growing number of individuals identify as spiritual but not religious (SBNR).

This trend embraces personal spirituality, mindfulness, and meditation as pathways to inner fulfillment. According to an article by Spirituality & Health, these practices can lead to a deeper understanding of oneself and the world.

Science and Meaning: A Complex Relationship

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In the quest for meaning, science and philosophy sometimes appear at odds. Scientific materialism reduces existence to physical matter, challenging the notion of any inherent purpose.

However, science can also inspire wonder and contemplation of the mysteries of the universe. In an article by Discover Magazine, cosmology provides insight into the interconnectedness of life and the cosmos, sparking questions about our place in the grand scheme of things.

Meaning in the Modern World: Challenges and Opportunities

The modern world presents both challenges and opportunities in the search for meaning. Technology has connected us like never before, yet it has also created a sense of disconnection from reality.

As mentioned in an article by The Guardian, social media can lead to a feeling of emptiness as we compare our lives to others. However, technology, such as virtual reality, also provides new avenues for exploring philosophical ideas and concepts.

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Consumerism and the pursuit of material possessions can distract us from genuine fulfillment.

Studies have shown that material possessions only provide temporary happiness, whereas experiences and relationships contribute to long-lasting satisfaction.

In an article by The Atlantic, researchers discuss the importance of focusing on what truly matters to find meaning and contentment.

The global environmental crisis also calls for a reevaluation of our priorities. In a report by the United Nations, climate change poses significant threats to our planet and all its inhabitants.

The urgency of this situation prompts us to reflect on our responsibility as custodians of the Earth, intertwining ethical considerations with the quest for meaning.

The Journey Inward: Self-Reflection and Personal Growth

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Amidst the external noise, the journey inward is an essential aspect of finding meaning.

Self-reflection and self-awareness allow us to understand our values, desires, and passions. As discussed in an article by Verywell Mind, self-examination leads to personal growth and a deeper sense of purpose.

Practicing gratitude and mindful living can profoundly impact our outlook on life. According to a study published in the Journal of Happiness Studies, individuals who cultivate gratitude experience greater life satisfaction and overall well-being.

Embracing moments of “flow,” where we are fully immersed in activities we love, also contributes to a profound sense of fulfillment. In a publication by, researchers explore the benefits of engaging in activities that align with our passions.

The Ethical Dimension: Meaning through Contribution and Compassion

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Ethics play a significant role in finding meaning. Altruism, the act of selflessly giving to others, can lead to a profound sense of purpose and fulfillment.

As discussed in an article by Greater Good Magazine, studies show that helping others not only benefits them but also enhances our own well-being.

Ubuntu, an African philosophy emphasizing interconnectedness and community, highlights the importance of our relationships with others.

In an article by ThoughtCo, this philosophy reminds us that our humanity is intertwined with the well-being of others and the environment.

Embracing Uncertainty: The Beauty of Unanswered Questions

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In the pursuit of meaning, we often seek definitive answers, but the beauty lies in embracing uncertainty.

The vastness of the unknown and the mysteries of life offer an invitation to explore and discover. As the renowned physicist Richard Feynman said:

“I would rather have questions that can’t be answered than answers that can’t be questioned.”

Embracing the Journey of Self-Discovery

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Throughout this philosophical journey, we have explored various perspectives on the purpose of human existence.

From the ancient wisdom of Socrates and Plato to the existential insights of Sartre and Camus, and the spirituality found in religion and personal practices, we have discovered that the quest for meaning is as diverse as humanity itself.

As stated in an article by HuffPost, the pursuit of meaning is not about finding a definitive answer but rather about embarking on a journey of self-discovery and growth.

Embracing uncertainty and learning to appreciate the interconnectedness of all things can lead us to profound insights about ourselves and our place in the world.

This journey is ongoing and ever-evolving, offering us the opportunity to continually seek out new perspectives, explore the wonders of existence, and find meaning in the beauty of life itself.



Ade Gusti Kumbara

Freelance writer who keeps learning and tries to give the best work. Appreciate every criticism and hope of readers.