The faster, the slower: progress or not?

Nathaniel Adejoh
4 min readJun 15, 2020


Photo by Volodymyr Hryshchenko from Unsplash

I appreciate you.

You know why?

It’s been tough for the world over the past few months, but here you are, still standing. Eventually, you will overcome, you are a winner, and losing is never an option.

I’m not here to be rigid but rather to pour out my thoughts on paper.

Have you seen the movie RUSH?

I’m sure some of you have watched it, and if you have not, I implore you to — a lot to be learned.

One quote from the lead character stuck with me and became the inspiration behind this article.

“The faster you go, the slower everything else becomes.”

At first, it didn’t make much sense to me, but upon reflection, it became clearer.

Let’s take a real-life scenario; the faster a car moves, the slower everything else becomes to the driver.

Think about this every time you are in a car and it's at high speed.

As a kid, we all had huge dreams for our future. In the process of growing up, some gave up their childhood dreams for something else while the rest stuck to it. Surprisingly, the fairy tale idea of life we had while being kids is far from the reality we face now. One way or the other, life’s challenges slap hard.

It can get frustrating to work hard or push your limits to accomplish a goal or dream and nothing seems forthcoming.

You, just like I, have been told ‘NO’ more times than yes. You have probably gotten more rejections in this quest of yours.

The good news is you don’t need to panic because one ‘YES’ deletes the several no’s, and one acceptance could be more significant than all the rejections.

Let’s draw a little motivation from Dr. Seuss, whose first book ‘And to Think That I Saw It on Mulberry Tree’ got rejected 27 times.

Twenty-seven times!

The last time he got a rejection, he decided to go back and burn the manuscript. Still, at the last minute, a break came, paving the way for publication and a glowing review that transformed his first book from a candidate for the garbage bin to an instant bestseller. This led to the success of his other books.

This story did something for me; it cheered me up. How did it make you feel?

What would have happened if he had burned the manuscript? No big break.

Many of us have experienced this one way or the other.


When a car gets faster and everything else becomes slower, there is a significant key to stay on track.

FOCUS: to pay attention to.

At that point, all you have to do is to pay attention to yourself, the car and the road. This is the point where it’s easiest to lose control.

Amongst other things, let’s talk about three things you have to focus on when pursuing a goal.

The first is yourself. A car doesn’t push itself to top speed; rather, the driver gets it to high speed by accelerating. At that point, the driver knows what he is doing and is ready for top speed. He has conditioned his mind to get there and take control. What do I mean? Achieving a goal begins from the mind. You cannot accomplish a goal when you’ve been defeated internally. So, sit back, reflect, and ask yourself questions. Preparing and conditioning your mind is the first step to achieving that goal.

Think about it deeply. Are you too fast or too slow?

Everyone is eager for success. Time waits for no man but remember, sometimes all you have to do is relax, and that idea or inspiration you’ve been craving will drop.

Why do you think there are speed bumps on roads?

Sometimes you need to slow down before you can move fast again. This is the point your health comes in, remember that health is wealth.

Do you think you’re too slow? Perhaps, you’re not putting enough effort and need to up your speed.

Re-evaluate yourself, and you will know where you stand.

The next thing to focus on is what you’re driving at and what drives you. There’s no more significant cause of failure than pursuing the wrong thing.

People who have been there can attest to how it has cost them a lot.

Ever thought of asking yourself if you are equipped enough to pursue your goal?

Don’t get me wrong. Being fully equipped is not a requirement to start. Start now. However, the problem comes when there is no deliberate effort to buff up, to get skills, tools, or whatever it takes to progress.

To drive a car, you need to learn about the vehicle and how to drive it. With practice, you gain experience.

Next, ask yourself what is driving this goal? Wrong reasons yield unpleasant results. It could also be that you’re pursuing that goal for the wrong reasons, or the wrong reasons pushed you to pursue the goal. This is something between you and your God that you might have to settle for you to move forward.

Lastly, you have to focus on the road, the path, the journey to success. Always remember that shortcuts are shady. No matter the way you choose, there are hurdles to jump and pot-holes to dodge. These are challenges life will undoubtedly throw at you.

I know you can do it; you’re good enough to reach your destination. The question is, do you know it?

Phew! It’s been a long one. Before I end, do you have a sound support system? Are there people present to provide that extra fuel when you’re slowing down? They are vital. Re-evaluate your circle today.

Once more, I appreciate you, and I know you’re putting in the effort. You’re making progress. It may not seem like it now, but keep on putting in the work, and you will get there. YOU ARE A WINNER.

Always remember that to make progress, YOU NEVER STOP MOVING.

