Role Of International Sports Management In Providing Facilities To A Player

Adela Muntean
3 min readJan 26, 2017


Glamorous field involving celebrities:

Sporting field all over the world has been so glamorized that now the players are given the celebrity status all over the world. After the invent of media sources and especially social media has turned the world turning into global village. Now the affiliation and idealism to players knows no boundaries. All the events that include big players from any category are anticipated worldwide with zeal and zest.

Times have changed:

Nowadays a player of any game is not limited to the game only. The celebrity status has burdened him with lot of other responsibilities. The firms and individuals who handle players and all their professional needs are becoming popular all over the world. If we neglect these firms or for a moment suppose that these firms aren’t even invented the modern players can’t even do single thing especially big players. That’s why international sports management firms are operating globally without the restriction of boundaries they are serving players worldwide.

Demands from the athlete in modern times:

The sporting world has completely changed and also the demands of the game have changed so much that now

· an athlete has to be fitter than before

· should have knowledge about the technical aspects of the game,

· should be aware of his strengths and weaknesses,

· should know the strengths and weakness of his opponent,

· should know how to handle himself in media

· should be able to understand his market value

· should find himself suitable contracts from leading clubs

· should find himself sponsors

· should be able to present himself in social gatherings

All these and lot more responsibilities have encouraged the players to contact the firms that look after all the modern demands imposed over the player.

Few responsibilities of these firms:

These firms all over the world manage a lot of off the field necessities for the player for which the player has no time. Or in doing those off field activities his/her on field performance can be affected which results in the overall negative impact on the player.

Media representation:

These firms represent the athlete in the media and create a better image for their client in media.

Contract finding:

The main job of these firms includes finding better and more profitable contracts for their clients. Also to find a bigger better club or league to sign their client.


Finding of suitable endorsements for the player is also necessary that makes their client financially strong.

Legal protection:

If the player finds himself in a difficult situation or anything that he does is against the law the firms have law experts who give their client legal protection.

Signing of contracts:

A players schedule is so busy that he doesn’t find any time to read all the terms and conditions so the outsourcing firm handles and sees all the terms and conditions.

Branding players:

A firm that needs to be successful worldwide has to turn their client in to a world recognized brand. So the ability to brand the player is very important.

Finding of media endorsements:

One main job of these firms or organizations is to find commercial or media opportunities for their client. But these things should be managed in the offseason.

The role of International sports management has grown so much in the last decade or 15 years that big players cannot reach stardom without these companies.

