What is it With My French Accent?

Adeline Poussin
3 min readOct 24, 2023

More often that not, I get great compliments about my French accent, but I actually wish it was entirely inaudible…

Photo by Julien L on Unsplash

As a French person, I don’t see what the fuss is about the French accent… I often hear it when other French people talk around me and it makes my hair stand straight on my head!! I always tell myself “I hope I don’t sound like that!!”.

In all honesty, I really wish I could one day sound perfectly English and I believe there is a part of me that’s frustrated because I can’t seem to be able to do it…

When it all started

I started learning English at school in France when I was about twelve years old and then I moved to London when I was twenty three years old. I’ve been speaking English on a daily basis ever since and yet… My French accent won’t go away!!

When I first moved to London, I went to a language school to re-learn all the basics because it was all far from being glorious if you see what I mean… I started with the ESOL courses and then carried on with the Cambridge certificates: I loves these course! They were fun and it was very interesting I felt.

  • First Certificate in English (FCE) — That’s the one with ALL the grammar to know!!
  • Certificate in Advanced English (CAE)



Adeline Poussin

French lady living in London. In love with the English language, personal development, travels, writing, brain plasticity, psychology and so much more.