From Desire to Reality: One of Neville Goddard’s prime principles in his approach to manifestation.

The cosmic dance of I am.

Unraveling the Intricate Interplay of Self, Manifestation, and Cosmic Unity.

5 min readAug 25, 2023

Hey there, lovely readers!

Imagine this: the universe, our cosmic stage, where a celestial ballet is unfolding — a dance of “I Am.” These two simple words, as Neville Goddard brilliantly explained in his game-changing work “The Power of Assumption,” hold the key to unlocking a universe of potential. Picture it as a dance that’s pulsating to the rhythm of creation itself, guiding us on an incredible journey of transformation, connection, and realization. As we dive into this voyage together, let’s dive into the beautiful connections between how we see ourselves, the cosmos, and our very core.

Photo by Greg Rakozy on Unsplash

The Universe Within “I Am”.

Neville Goddard’s insights from his masterpiece “The Power of Assumption” shine like a guiding star, leading us to the heart of this cosmic dance. He saw “I Am” as the name of God — a force that resonates throughout everything we see and even what we don’t. When you embrace the potential wrapped up in these words, you’re tapping into the energy that’s woven into the fabric of the universe itself. Suddenly, your intentions are dancing harmoniously with the grand cosmic symphony.

The Disguised Presence of “I Am” :

Throughout the ages, the notion of “I Am” has gracefully woven itself into the fabric of human history, often camouflaged within the narratives of different eras. It’s not just a modern fascination; it’s a timeless whisper that has resonated across time. One of the places where “I Am” subtly surfaces is within the pages of classic literature.

Take a stroll through the pages of literary masterpieces, and you’ll encounter characters who, knowingly or not, embody the essence of “I Am.” They might not directly utter those two words, yet the sentiment echoes through their actions, their decisions, and their journeys. Consider the profound soliloquy from Shakespeare’s “Hamlet.” In the midst of contemplating existence itself, Hamlet’s introspection unveils a hidden declaration of “I am.” It’s a declaration that resonates with the fundamental question of being.

Such instances are like a treasure hunt for those attuned to the subtleties of language and thought. As you dive into the rich tapestry of literature, you unveil the presence of “I Am” woven into the very fiber of the characters’ lives, inviting you to ponder the depth of their self-awareness and connection to the cosmos.

This disguised presence of “I Am” isn’t just limited to the world of literature. It threads its way through historical records, cultural expressions, and even ancient wisdom. Just as the constellations grace our skies with hidden patterns, “I Am” graces the timeline of human experience with patterns of its own — sometimes bold, often delicate, yet always present.

The Bible and Manifestation:

Neville Goddard brilliantly intertwined his teachings on manifestation with biblical stories. Think about Lazarus rising from the dead — it’s a lot like how we can transform our consciousness through assumption. And remember the burning bush and “I Am That I Am” ? They show us just how powerful “I Am” statements can be in shaping our present reality. This is one of the many examples where these interpretations add a layer of depth to the principles of manifestation within a spiritual context.

Crafting Reality through Assumption.

You know what’s even cooler? Neville Goddard’s wisdom isn’t just about spiritual theories; it’s about making stuff happen in real life too. When you really get into what he’s saying, “I Am” becomes this creative spark that blends in with your thoughts and beliefs. Your self-concept, how you see yourself, becomes like this canvas where you’re painting all your wishes and desires. It’s not about just wishing things into existence; it’s about stepping into the role of a creator and living your life with unwavering belief and intention.

The Mirror Effect:

Manifestation and Belief As you send your intentions out into the universe, a kind of mirror effect starts to happen. The Law of Assumption and the Law of Attraction come into play, drawing similar energies and experiences right back to you. Imagine tossing a stone into a pond — the ripples spread out. Well, the beliefs you hold about yourself create ripples too, connecting you to situations, people, and opportunities that match up with your self-concept.

Photo by José M. Reyes on Unsplash

Bridging the Spiritual and the Practical:

This cosmic dance isn’t just a bunch of abstract ideas; it’s a bridge that connects the spiritual with the everyday. Your self-concept isn’t just a fancy term; it’s what shapes how you feel about yourself and how you handle challenges. When you’re strong in your self-concept, you’re more resilient, you’ve got better self-esteem, and you can regulate your emotions. And guess what? All that makes your manifesting powers go through the roof. It’s like your self-concept is this cool link between what’s inside you and what’s happening out there in the big wide world.

But wait, there’s more! This cosmic dance isn’t just about you; it’s about all of us together. Just as you use “I Am” to shape your world, your beliefs become part of this giant tapestry of humanity. In a world where everything’s connected, your self-beliefs send ripples through the collective consciousness. You’re impacting trends, movements, and energies that shape society. So yeah, it’s not just about you — it’s about all of us grooving to the same cosmic beat.

Photo by Amos from on Unsplash

Alright, let’s wrap up this amazing exploration by tuning into the symphony of “I Am.” Think of it as a melody that empowers you and connects you to the cosmos. It’s the harmony of believing in yourself and making things happen. You’re not just a spectator; you’re a dancer in this cosmic ballet. Your “I Am” isn’t just a note; it’s a part of the universe’s grand song that reverberates through time and space.

And there you have it! We’ve dived into the cosmic dance of “I Am,” guided by Neville Goddard’s wisdom from “The Power of Assumption,”. Through this journey, we’ve uncovered the intricate threads that tie us to ourselves, to one another, and to the universe. We’ve witnessed the powerful interplay between our self-concept, our intentions, and the world we’re co-creating. So as you continue on your journey, let your “I Am” be your guiding star, leading you through the incredible dance of life.




Literature, poetry, the beauty of life and a lot more (I'm like a kid in a candy store of interests!).