Zainab Ibrahim
3 min readFeb 17, 2022

The Comfort Zone

Source: mindset.therapy (IG page)

“A ship is always safe at the shore but that is not what it is built for"

Albert Einstein

Often, we settle when in fact we are made for more.

We want the easy way out of everything, when in fact the best of things often come out of a tough process.

A ship is always safe at the shore_

When in fact it is built to sail the calm and stormy sea.

It is safe at the shore because there is nothing to distract it from just standing there.

This is a simple definition of the comfort zone, where our lives tend to be when we don't make a conscious effort for a change.

I'm not challenging people who want to stay at the shore or be in their comfort zone.

This quote is to urge the ones who want to make a change and desire to find out what lies beyond the horizon.

There are no risks or challenges in the comfort zone.

You can do anything you want because you know what to expect next, unlike when you take risks that are filled with uncertainties.

If you want to test your abilities and explore your potential, you need to leave your shore.

Toyin Omotoso mentioned how he had to leave Abuja for Lagos just so he could explore his potential and meet like minds in his book titled Life Breathing Cash Machine (LBCM).

He is doing great exploits today and raising great explorers who also chose not to remain in their comfort zone.

The comfort zone is always safe but the moment your adventurous spirit tells you to try something new, it's advisable you listen to it.

Staying still and safe at the shore (comfort zone) is not what a ship (you) is built for.

Honestly, there is no harm in wanting to remain in your comfort zone.

But, how do you intend to explore your potential if you remain at the shore?

How do you intend to live your dreams?

_remaining at the shore is not what you are built for.

I believe you have aspirations, dreams and goals.

Understandably, fear and doubt are the major reasons many often choose to remain at the shore.

In situations where fear and anxiety want to overpower you, think about your dreams and what you want to achieve.

And permit your adventurous spirits to take over instead.

As soon as you can control your fears, and sail despite being afraid, you’d be able to navigate your way to the learning zone.

In the learning zone, you get to understand that greatness lies outside your comfort zone.

There’s a lot to see and experience in the learning phase which will help you grow.

Wondering how you can effectively navigate your path from the comfort to the growth zone?

Worry less!

Life breathing cash machine is a book that discussed how you can conquer fears, laziness and procrastination.

It is a book I will recommend to anyone who wants to experience transformation in their mindset and finance as they navigate through life.

You can access it here.

The sea can be harsh and wonderful at the same time, you just have to keep sailing and you’d get through.

Until next time,

Stay Energised❤

