Adena Patch Notes v1.8.0

2 min readSep 6, 2023



Adena has been updated to Patch v1.8.0 as of September 6th!

New injection methods have been added on Adena to enable dapps to request users to add a new custom network or switch to an existing one.

See the full notes below for other updates and new features included in this patch.

Patch Notes

1. New Features

  • Switch & Add Network Requests: adena.SwitchNetwork and adena.AddNetwork methods have been added to allow dapps to request users to add a new network or switch to an existing network.
  • Edit Network: Custom networks can now be edited in the Change Network menu to let users modify the name and the RPC URL of custom networks.
  • Copy Address in Sidebar: A copy icon has been added for each account that exists in the wallet on Sidebar to allow users to copy any address without having to switch in between.
  • Account Details: The Account Details page has been added to allow users to view detailed information about an account.

2. UI/UX Improvements

  • GRC20 Tx Insufficient Fee Error: Adena now displays the Insufficient Network Fee error when the account doesn’t have enough gas fees to complete a GRC20 transfer transaction.
  • Settings Menu: The Settings menu has been moved to the sidebar.
  • New Icons in Change Network: New icons have been added in the Change Network menu to indicate the connected and uneditable networks.
  • Duplicate RPC Registration Prevention: Adding a new network with a previously-registered RPC URL will now result in an error.
  • Gno Teritori: The custom Gnoland network maintained by the Teritori Team has been added as a default network in the Change Network menu.
  • Injection Loading Screen: A loading screen has been added when adding a new network, switching to a new network, or connecting to a dapp.

3. Bug Fixes

  • GRC20 Token List by Network: GRC20 tokens on Testnet 3 are now properly hidden while on other networks.

4. Backend Updates

  • Change Data Structure for Connected Websites: Data for connected websites are now only managed by accounts.

That’s all for this patch! As always, we sincerely thank you for your support.

Until next time!




A Friendly Web3 Wallet & Your Gateway to Gnoland