Aligning Your Career with Ikigai

Adeola Odubajo
4 min readSep 8, 2023


A Path to Fulfillment and Success

In today’s fast-paced and competitive world, finding true fulfillment in your career can often seem like an elusive dream. However, the Japanese concept of “Ikigai” offers a guiding light — a path to aligning your career with your deepest passions and purpose. In this article, we will explore how you can discover your Ikigai, redefine success, and embark on a journey towards a more meaningful and purposeful career.

What Is Ikigai?

Unveiling the Essence of Ikigai

Ikigai, pronounced “ee-kee-guy,” is a term deeply rooted in Japanese culture. It combines two words: “iki,” meaning life, and “gai,” meaning worth. At its core, Ikigai represents the art of finding meaning in your life.

Align your career with your Ikigai
Photo by Finde Zukunft on Unsplash

The Four Elements of Ikigai

Ikigai revolves around four essential elements:

1. Passion

Passion is what you love. It’s the activity or pursuit that ignites your enthusiasm and brings you joy.

2. Mission

Mission relates to what the world needs. It’s your contribution to society, the cause that motivates you to make a difference.

3. Vocation

Vocation signifies what you can be paid for. It involves identifying your skills and talents that can serve as a source of income.

4. Profession

Profession embodies what you are good at. It encompasses the expertise you’ve developed over time.

Read also: Uncovering the Essence of Ikigai

Finding Your Ikigai

  • Self-Reflection: The First Step

To align your career with Ikigai, you must embark on a journey of self-discovery. Begin by reflecting on your values, beliefs, and what truly matters to you.

Identify your passion
Photo by Ian Schneider on Unsplash
  • Identifying Passions and Talents

Recognize your passions and innate talents that bring you joy and satisfaction. These are the building blocks of your Ikigai.

  • Aligning with Values

Consider how your passions and talents align with your core values. What causes or principles resonate with you? Aligning your actions with your values adds depth to your Ikigai.

“Follow your passion; it will lead you to your purpose.” — Oprah Winfrey

The Power of Integration

Once you’ve identified your Ikigai, it’s time to integrate it into your career. This involves:

  • Choosing the Right Career Path

Evaluate your current career path and determine whether it aligns with your Ikigai. If not, consider making changes or adjustments to bring your career in harmony with your purpose.

  • Seeking Purposeful Opportunities

Look for opportunities within your current job or industry where you can infuse your passion and mission. Sometimes, small changes can lead to a significant shift in your career satisfaction.

  • Entrepreneurship and Ikigai

For those with an entrepreneurial spirit, consider starting a business that resonates with your Ikigai. Building a venture based on your passion and mission can be incredibly rewarding.

Photo by Austin Distel on Unsplash

Aligning your career with Ikigai is a profound journey that transcends traditional definitions of success. It’s about discovering your true purpose and infusing it into every aspect of your professional life. As you embark on this transformative path, remember that success is not just measured by external achievements but by the fulfillment and joy you find in each day’s work. Embrace your Ikigai, and let it guide you towards a career that brings you not only success but also a deep sense of purpose and satisfaction.


Q1: Can Ikigai coexist with a conventional career?

Yes, Ikigai can complement a traditional career. You can integrate elements of your Ikigai into your existing job to create a more meaningful work experience.

Q2: Is it ever too late to align your career with Ikigai?

It’s never too late to discover and align your career with Ikigai. People of all ages and career stages can benefit from this transformative journey.

Q3: What if my passion doesn’t seem financially viable as a career?

Consider exploring creative ways to incorporate your passion into your life, even if it’s not your primary source of income. Pursuing your passion as a side project or hobby can still bring immense joy.

Q4: How can I balance financial stability with pursuing my Ikigai?

Seek opportunities that allow you to strike a balance between financial stability and your Ikigai. This may involve gradual transitions or finding a career that aligns with both.

Q5: What role does resilience play in aligning your career with Ikigai?

Resilience is crucial when pursuing your Ikigai. It helps you navigate challenges and setbacks along the way, allowing you to stay true to your purpose.

Q6: Can my Ikigai evolve over time?

Yes, your Ikigai can evolve as you grow, learn, and gain new experiences. It’s a dynamic concept that adapts to your changing aspirations and values.



Adeola Odubajo

A Humanity Enthusiast, empathy-driven, passionate about fostering positive change through advocacy & promoting social justice for a compassionate world. 🌍