SEX TRUTHS; Part 1 (Singles’ Version)

Ade Owolabi
2 min readFeb 15, 2015


1. Sex is good, it is a special gift from God. It is God’s idea and not yours however, it is good ONLY in Marriage. It is an ABUSE outside Marriage.

2. Sex is beyond the physical, it is spiritual
There are Sexually Transmitted Diseases as well as Sexually Transmitted Curses.

3. Your Sex Organ is Strategically positioned by God to be a “Private Part” and not a “Public Property”.

4. Sex is NOT LOVE, Love is NOT SEX, Sex in Marriage may promote love, Sex outside Marriage mostly breeds lust … You may be on the losing end.

5. One of the greatest and the most authentic test of love before marriage is to wait and simply ABSTAIN rather than be stained.

6. Pre-Marital sex is a sin against God because it involves YOUR BODY which is His Temple.

7. It is not just about enjoyment, its majorly a case of defilement.

8. Fornication does not begin with Sex, it ends with it.
— “Every other thing” asides sex is simply a part of Sex, it is a TOTAL PACKAGE.

9. Everyone that has had pre-marital Sex felt bad and guilty the very first time and the reason is simple — IT WAS ALL WRONG!

10. What makes any relationship romantic is INTERVIEW and not INTERCOURSE. COMMUNICATION and not “Cunninlingus”.

11. Pre-marital Sex may be sweet to you but it makes NO SENSE to God. Now tell me: Who is the judge, YOU or GOD?

12. Your VIRGINITY is not just your pride, its your TESTIMONY.

13. Self-Control is a fruit of the Spirit and not a gift.
A life void of control is a life full of chaos.

14. If you really think everyone is “doing it” then you must be the fool of the century, you simply have been played.

15. A guy who insists on sleeping with you before he marries you will not find it difficult to sleep with anyone else he’s not married to, be wise.

… Click the link below to See ‘SEX TRUTHS’ 2 for continuation…

Originally published at on February 15, 2015.



Ade Owolabi

Writer/Author. Speaker. Counselor/Life Coach Committed to Communicating Essence & Value via Word Based Depths…