Man as God’s Method

I searched for a man among them…

7 min readJul 29, 2024
Photo by Uriel Soberanes on Unsplash

One major overlooked reason for the seeming dearth of the supernatural today is our disdain for men. I am referring to the men God chooses to use—men of God, we often call them. We often forget that men are God’s preferred method, and if He puts His spirit in men, then it’s to our advantage.

In the Book of Genesis, the first thing Moses talks about is God’s intention towards man, which is to make man in His image. His plan was to put men on earth as His representatives. For men to fill the earth and subdue it. Where we overlook or despise the men God has chosen to use, then we miss a vital way to receive from God. What will follow is often difficulties upon difficulties in receiving. Even if we were to get our prayers answered, it would most likely be through another man. This is how God works, and we shouldn't be oblivious to this.

Men can get it wrong often, but where God is concerned, He gives His spirit to all. What we often need to look out for is if this man is called by God and if he’s got the honour of God upon him. This should be all that matters to us. But when we, because of the bad things we’ve heard, tend to fixate only on these, then the devil has us where he wants us. And it’s often more difficult for God to work where there’s no one who will receive from the man He’s anointed.




Penman. Storyteller. Wordsmith. Neologist. Arsenal. Neurology. Christian. Medical doctor. I am your organic reminder of the beauty of this one life you got!