2 min readMar 14, 2024

My little fingers are easy to sweep and hide in any hand it comes in contact with,
My little hands from childhood remembers what we sang to you,
My little finger remembers the prayers, in the melodic tune we dance to you, for you to heighten,
My little hands have learnt to slip into and out various hands devastated.

You sought for comfort in different hearts,
Like a little child, you have trusted all with your clever heart,
You have shown your colors, you found your limitations, you carried your shattered heart glued up with tears.
Little fingers, you had strived so much for attention that you forgot how much you were worth,
Oh, my little hand, you had given your heart to the world, seeking various places for safety, for things to fill the void,
Oh, little fingers, you have realized the danger and daggers it brought.

A change in blood, a change in heart, a place in Christ,
My little hand, you finally found the perfect hands to slip into to hold on to,
One who brings every form of good,
You eventually committed to stay there forever and never let go.
To one that intiates no hurt, one that loves endlessly, one that doesn't forsake,
You finally found where to grow and rest,
Oh, little hand, you found home,
Beautiful home!

You found one that never lets go,
My little fingers found the greatest treasure!
My little hand found a place to die in,
My little fingers are like the pen of a ready writer, an instrument of love,
My little fingers found Jesus and are holding him forever and ever,
I found my perfect home.