UX case study: Redefining Movie-Going Experience with XLcinema Seat Reservation App.

5 min readAug 30, 2023


The product

I am Tunmise Ebenezer Adewole. I am an entry-level UX designer currently on the course of completing the Google UX design course on Coursera, and this is my first UX case study.

PROJECT PROMPT: Design a seat reservation app for a movie theatre

THE PRODUCT: It is an app that aims to help users that love to experience watching movies at cinemas complete the whole process of making reservations prior before going to the cinema for viewing.

Refined mockups of the app.



The problem: Reena stands as a dedicated paramedic, racing against time to weave moments of leisure into her hectic schedule. Yet, the looming challenge of crafting multiple seat reservations casts a shadow over her cinematic aspirations. The prospect of investing valuable hours in in-person movie theatre bookings is a luxury she can’t afford.

Goal: XLcinema aimed to provide a seamless, time-efficient, and enjoyable movie reservation process for users like Reena. The primary goals were:

  1. Effortless Seat Reservations: Enable users to swiftly complete multiple seat reservations, eliminating the need to waste time queuing at the theatre.

2. Real-time Availability: Address the frustration of users by notifying them in advance about seat availability, ensuring a seamless reservation journey.

3. Enhanced Convenience: Introduce an option for pre-ordering refreshments, streamlining the entire movie experience.

My role: UI/UX designer, UX researcher, and Visual designer.

Responsibilities: User research, UX writing, wireframing, prototyping, Conducting usability test, and UI designing.


User research: The user research delved into the preferences and pain points of potential users. I engaged four participants, representing both online-savvy and traditional moviegoers. Through a mix of primary and secondary research, insight was gained into the contrasting experiences of online and offline seat reservations.

Pain points identified during user research:

User personas: In the world we’re crafting, it’s the people who take center stage. Let me introduce you to the everyday heroes who inspired this journey — the User Personas. Just like you and me, they’re on a quest for seamless movie magic. Get ready to explore their stories, aspirations, and dreams, all woven into the fabric of our project. Simple, relatable, and undeniably intriguing.

User personas


Imagine seamlessly reserving your ideal seat without the hassle of a seat reservation map. Through user interviews and a thorough analysis of pain points, I’ve constructed an optimal pathway for users to effortlessly achieve their seat reservation objectives.

User journey map


Here, I’ll lay the foundation for this digital masterpiece, translating concepts into tangible sketches. Together, we’ll explore the art of visualizing user experiences, breathing life into interfaces, and fostering collaboration.

Paper wireframes

DIGITAL WIREFRAMES: In this part, I translated ideas into interactive blueprints, breathing life into every screen and interaction. The goal was to create a seamless digital landscape that enhances the way moviegoers connect with XL Cinema’s offerings.

Wireframes showing the major screens


Low-fi prototype showing the basic user flow


Greetings to the usability study session for the XL Cinema app! The main objective of this usability study is to assess how easily and effectively the different features of the XL Cinema app work. Our focus is on tasks like reserving seats, completing payments, and navigating through the app. By watching how you use the app and listening to your feedback, we aim to find areas that need to be better and make necessary improvements for a smoother and more pleasant user experience.

Research summary showing the research questions, tasks, KPIs, and insights generated


Before(left) and after(Right) usability study
Before(left) and after(Right) usability study


Final UI designs


High fidelity prototype


Contrast and Color: Review color choices and contrast ratios to ensure readability for users with visual impairments or color blindness. Ensure text and UI elements have sufficient contrast against their backgrounds.

Alternative Text for Images: Provide descriptive alternative text for images to convey their content and context to users who rely on screen readers. This includes movie posters, icons, and other graphical elements.

Responsive Design: Ensure that the app is responsive and adapts to various screen sizes and orientations, including both desktop and mobile devices.


Inclusivity Matters: Prioritize accessibility to ensure that the app is usable and enjoyable for all users, regardless of their abilities.

Continuous Improvement: Accessibility is an ongoing process. Regularly review and update the app to meet evolving accessibility standards and guidelines.

User-Centric Approach: Incorporate user feedback, particularly from users with disabilities, to drive accessibility enhancements and inform future design decisions.

Education and Training: Educate the development team about accessibility principles and techniques to foster a culture of inclusivity.

Compliance with Standards: Keep up-to-date with accessibility standards and guidelines, such as the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG), and strive for conformance.


Once again, I am Tunmise Ebenezer Adewole, and I am an entry level UX designer. You can reach out to me via:


Email: adewoletunmise2000@gmail.com

