Rovio Classics: Angry Birds Free Download

4 min readApr 12, 2022


App Info

Rovio Classics: Angry Birds APK is a remake of the famous Angry Birds game. The game has newer visuals and smoother motion, but still keeps the same cheerful inhibition elements of the original game.

Introduce about Rovio Classics: Angry Birds

A quality remake of Angry Birds!

If you used to be mad but couldn’t leave the Angry Birds game in the past, you will want to relive the once-joyful inhibitions of this legendary game in a refreshed version called Rovio Classics: Angry Birds.


Those who have played are probably no strangers to the context of the logic game screens of the Angry Birds series. This refresh will also begin when the greedy wild pigs steal a series of eggs from the birds. This unscrupulous robbery has made the birds angry. Then they are determined to take revenge and get their eggs back.

How many challenges are there?

This quality remake gives players 8 episodes with more than 390 levels. All the characters come out of the original game with newer looks, smoother movements, and even more attractive physics simulation than before.


The only villain is the greedy ugly pigs. These pigs are also very good at hiding. They built a series of strong fortresses to hide after their campaigns of theft in the forest. Will these fortresses deter the angry birds’ revenge?

Each bird has its own skill and fighting power. Using your inherent strength and logical judgment skills, you will in turn destroy all the defenses of the pigs.

Your task is to turn yourself into a giant bullet, then throw yourself on giant slingshots, align and launch yourself to pinch and destroy a series of strong fortress systems of the pigs.

On the touch screen, the control mechanism of the game becomes even more captivating than before. In addition to aligning the “bullet path”, appropriately calculating the speed and the falling position, and choosing the right type of bullet, in this remake, the birds are not simply bullets but also have many other functions. Especially, in stressful situations, you can also call Mighty Eagle to support you.

In each level, you will be provided with a certain number and type of birds, along with a corresponding cannon model. Deep in the fortress are the cowardly green pigs hiding. Your task is to use a large slingshot, in turn, insert “bird bullets” into the sling, calculate and measure the size and distance, and then shoot bullets to destroy the pigs’ works. Try hard so that each attack can destroy as many large pieces of the fortress as possible. If you successfully destroy the entire system, and kill all the pigs inside without using all or with enough bird bullets, you win and move to a new scene, and vice versa.

Each time you win, you will get a large number of points. The remaining bird bullets will also be counted as bonus points. Reaching a certain point, you will unlock new bird bullets with greater strength and destruction.

The levels are not always linear from easy to difficult. But they are interspersed, there will be screens like “give-free” so that players have the opportunity to accumulate points quickly and soon unlock more species of birds.

Smoother visuals, better interfaces, and better physics simulation

The interface of Rovio Classics: Angry Birds has also been upgraded, giving players a more comprehensive view when playing. Although it is only 2D with a direct view, the camera automatically adjusts the distance depending on the situation to help you sometimes observe the whole scene to determine the height and width of the slingshot compared to the pig fortress. Sometimes it zooms in on the birds and the fortress system for you to see the whole process of destruction. This ability is also a factor that creates so much joy.

The physics simulation in Rovio Classics: Angry Birds is also rated better than the original version. The impact and the chain effect when different objects in the system fall down and crumble are sometimes quick, sometimes slow depending on the variation of impact force and weight of the object itself. Everything is reasonable, creating a pleasant and completely satisfying feeling.


Rovio Classics: Angry Birds brings Angry Birds back with a smoother interface and more levels. Whether you have never experienced Angry Birds or been used to it, remember to play Rovio Classics: Angry Birds. The game has many new things to discover.

Originally published at on April 12, 2022.

