A Beginner’s Guide to Running Oswshen Testnet Using Gitpod

Adetomiwa ADEYEMI
2 min readFeb 28, 2024


Are you intrigued by the Oswshen testnet but find the setup process daunting? Fear not! In this guide, I’ll walk you through setting up the Oswshen testnet using Gitpod, a convenient online development environment. Whether you’re new to blockchain development or a seasoned pro, this step-by-step tutorial will help you get started quickly.

Preparing Your Environment

Before diving into the setup process, make sure you have a Github account. If you don’t have one yet, it’s easy to create. Once you’re logged into your Github account, follow these steps:

  1. Create a New Repository: Give it any name you like and copy the repository link.
  2. Access Gitpod: Head over to Gitpod and log in using your Github account. Ensure you’re using the same Github account you used earlier.
  3. Create a New Workspace: Paste the repository link you copied in the first step into the designated field. Select “Vs Code Browser” in the terminal and choose “Standard” for the specification.

Setting Up the Environment

Now that you’re inside your Gitpod workspace, let’s set up the environment by running some commands in the terminal:

sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade -y
sudo apt-get install git-all -y
sudo apt-get install curl -y
sudo apt update
sudo apt install fuse libfuse2 npm -y
sudo apt install nodejs -y
sudo npm install -g snarkjs

Downloading Oswshen Wallet

Next, download the latest AppImage of the Oswshen Wallet using the following command:

wget https://github.com/OwshenNetwork/owshen/releases/download/v0.1.4/Owshen_v0.1.4_x86_64.AppImage

Make the downloaded file executable:

chmod +x Owshen_v0.1.4_x86_64.AppImage

Initializing Your Wallet

Now, depending on whether you’re creating a new wallet or re-initializing an existing one, follow these steps:

➡️For New Wallets:

If this is your first time creating a wallet, initialize it using:

./Owshen_v0.1.4_x86_64.AppImage init

Remember to keep your 12-word mnemonic phrase in a safe place!

➡️For Existing Wallets:

If you’ve previously participated in the airdrop and have an existing wallet, re-initialize it using your old 12-word mnemonic phrase:

./Owshen_v0.1.4_x86_64.AppImage init --mnemonic "YOUR 12 WORD MNEMONIC-PHRASE"

In case you encounter issues, you can try removing old wallet files before re-initializing:

rm -rf ~/.owshen-wallet
rm -rf ~/.owshen-wallet-cache

Optional: You can check your Wallet Info using

./Owshen_v0.1.4_x86_64.AppImage info

Running Oswshen Wallet

With your wallet initialized, you’re all set to run the Oswshen Wallet:

./Owshen_v0.1.4_x86_64.AppImage wallet
  1. After executing the command, a new tab will automatically open in your browser. This tab will contain the Oswshen Wallet interface, providing you with access to your wallet functionalities.
  2. In the wallet interface, you’ll be able to view various features, including your DIVE balance. If you’ve participated in the Bermuda airdrop successfully, your balance should be displayed accordingly.
  3. You’re now ready to manage your Oswshen Wallet directly from your browser, making transactions and accessing your funds seamlessly.
  4. Fill the form to register for the testnet https://forms.gle/cJCvwiHmYoGeicQg6

By following these steps, you’ve successfully set up the Oswshen testnet using Gitpod. Now you’re ready to explore the exciting world of blockchain development with ease. Happy coding!

If you have problems running the wallet, Goto Owshen Discord server: https://discord.gg/owshen

