Four Great Tips to Build Your Audience Trust | Oluwabukola Adeyeri

Oluwabukola Adeyeri
4 min readJan 27, 2024
Photo Credit: Yusnizam from Unsplash

Have you ever been in a relationship where there was a lack of trust? What was the outcome of the relationship?

I was once caught up in a relationship where there was little trust (I can say the little was not enough). My partner was always checking through my phone even when he knew I had no relationship with another guy.

This lack of trust led to frequent arguments and weak communication and eventually, we had to break up.

This same thing can happen to you if your customers don’t trust you. For every brand, trust is what makes their customers continually buy from them and use their products.

Your customers will only do business with you when they trust you. Why will they entrust their money to your brand and not receive quality service in return?


Trust means having strong faith, belief, or confidence in something or someone. In marketing, trust is when your customers have a high belief that your company’s products or services will provide optimum value and continually solve their pain points.

Trust is essential in selling your products/services. What’s the essence of creating content in various forms and your audience will eventually not buy from you? To gain the trust of your customers, you need to provide high-quality and valuable content that informs, educates, inspires, and teaches them.

Photo Credit: PeopleImages from Unsplash

Building trust with your audience goes beyond creating content that attracts and engages. It has a lot to do with showcasing your expertise and providing appropriate solutions to their problems. Here are a few tips to build your audience’s trust with your brand.


When pushing out content for your online audience, you need to be genuine. No one will buy from a brand that is fake and not promoting quality content. Don’t pretend to be who you are not. It would be best if you showcased your true self and what your brand stands for.

When your brand lacks authenticity, your prospective customers or clients will see no reason to buy from you or opt for your services. For you to be authentic, you should:

· Have a brand voice: your brand voice is a consistent, recognizable way that your audience will always use to differentiate you from other brands. Consistency in brand voice humanizes your brand and fosters a deeper connection between your brand and its audience.

Your brand voice should also portray your brand values. When your voice authentically reflects these values, it reinforces the sincerity of your brand.

· Always interact with your audience: a brand that engages and relates with its audience has a high probability of gaining the audience’s trust. You should reply to comments and complaints promptly on your social media account. Your audience loves attention and engagement, so give them what they want.

It would be best if you also tried to recognize and appreciate your audience in the way you can. Acknowledge their contributions, and feedback and make them feel valued.


You should focus on providing valuable content that addresses your audience’s pain points and concerns. Always tailor your content to offer solutions and guides to your audience’s problems.

The content is not about you, it’s about them (your audience). People will only follow brands that educate and provide knowledgeable tips. So, you need to position yourself as an authority in your field to gain the trust of your audience.

The main goal of every content is to generate leads and make sales in return, but you shouldn’t allow that to be your only goal. When you give value, you’ll develop your audience’s trust and they’ll eventually buy from you.


The buyer persona is a fictional representation of your target audience based on thorough research and real data of your ideal audience.

Buyer persona helps you understand who your audiences are, what they do, their location, preferences, pain points, and their needs.

With a buyer persona, you create personalized and targeted content that is tailored to meet the needs of your audience.

Buyer persona is another way to gain the trust of your audience because it will make them feel you’re talking to them directly.


Some people are doubting Thomas (smiles). They won’t buy from you unless they see proof. To gain the trust of people like this, you should showcase reviews and feedback that you’ve received from your customers.

Most times you don’t need to hire influencers to be your brand ambassadors, your customers can also be your brand ambassadors. They’ve used your products and they are in the best position to share the benefits and how the product has met their needs.

Social proof is a great way to build the confidence and trust of your audience in your brand’s products/services.

Building trust through content takes time. Keep being consistent and push out quality content through various formats (text, videos, infographics, etc.). By consistently delivering value, engaging actively with your audience, sharing customer testimonials, and being authentic, you’ll establish a trustworthy relationship with your audience.

Hope you gained value from this. Do take some seconds to drop a clap and comment. I’d love to see them.

You can also share some other tips to gain the trust of your audience in the comment section.



Oluwabukola Adeyeri

Content Writer| Blog Writer. I've always loved to put my thoughts in writing and this helped me to improve on my skill as a writer.