An Effort for a Safer Internet.

Avraham David Gelbfish
2 min readFeb 16, 2018


The internet is a great way to get a lot of good things… and a lot of unwanted and dangerous things.

My dream is that we can all get together to stay safe in an evolving world, because everybody wants to be safe, and we’re better together.

With the understanding that no two people are the same, the goal is to create a framework that assists in people getting what they want while keeping what they don’t out.

It is my firm belief that mature adults are capable of making their own decisions about what is good or not, and I want to leave that decision to each individual person. The idea here is to give people the power to act on their decisions about what they want on their devices.

The idea here is to give people the power to act on their decisions about what they want on their devices.

So I’m starting the Safe Internet Foundation.

Get involved!

Join the slack team or send me an email for info at

Some of the possibilities:

  • Create a generalized way for people to let content creators and providers know what they don’t want, so they’ll be able to keep it out
  • Help identity providers make a spec for people to state what they don’t want to see.
  • Work with search engines to filter content based on what users want
  • Utilize artificial intelligence to prevent unwanted content from displaying
  • Make it easy for parents to protect and monitor their underage children accurately and effectively
  • and your ideas…

More info:



Hey, I’m super excited, and hope that you are too!



