Adgonos ICO Investing Tutorial

9 min readMay 12, 2018


The Adgonos Pre-ICO is starting on 15th of May, 2018 (UTC +8) with a 25% bonus (until 28th of May). After the start of our token sale, just follow the instructions below to make your investment. Without further ado, let us walk you through the exact steps of participating in our exciting project!

Please keep in mind that we recommend investing through a desktop device, since many of the websites or services mentioned below works best on one.
We’ll be using the desktop version of the Chrome browser for this tutorial.

Also please make sure that the date and time settings of your computer are correct. (Our website would detect the said settings to determine what tier you should be investing in. We do have another ‘server-side’ check in the smart contract to prevent malicious users from investing the more profitable tiers by simply changing their systems’ time.)

NOTE: Citizens residing in countries where ICOs are prohibited (e.g. China, South Korea, or U.S.A. non-accredited investors) CANNOT participate in the Adgonos ICO. Please observe your local laws and regulations before investing.
We are not responsible for any legal consequences if you violate the aforementioned laws.

Traditional Chinese Tutorial (繁體中文教學):
Simplified Chinese Tutorial (簡體中文教學):

Step 0. Getting Started

The Adgonos ICO uses the Ethereum network to facilitate the crowd sale, so first of all, you are going to need some Ether (ETH) in hand before investing. Please note that the minimum investing amount for all three tiers is 5000 tokens (0.5 ETH according to base price). There are plenty of websites where you can directly buy Ether with cash or credit card.

For example, some notable instances are:
Coinbase (
Coinmama ( (

After buying some sweet Ether, we can move on to the next step :D

Step 1. Setting Up Your Wallet

Unlike many other ICOs that require you to set up an account on their website and forcing you to wait days to even months before receiving the tokens, you will receive ADG tokens within a few minutes upon your investing. How great is that! In order to receive the said tokens, you’ll need an ERC-20 compatible wallet. (If you already have one, or have installed the MetaMask plugin, feel free to skip this step.)

Please note that:

We’ll now go through how to create a ERC-20 compatible wallet. We recommend using the MetaMask plugin to invest in ADGONOS due to its great integration with our token sale website. MetaMask is a really great interface for dealing stuff related to Ethereum, and we highly recommend installing it not only for this ICO and for other activities.

Alternatively, you can still invest through services like MyEtherWallet. However you’ll have to manually setup some parameters, which may not be so friendly for novice users.

Install MetaMask:

After installing, click on the extension icon of MetaMask (the orange fox thing-y) and you would be greeted with this screen. Click on ‘Accept’ to continue.

First greeting page

You should then be presented with the Terms and Conditions page. Just (read it) and scroll all the way to the bottom then click on the ‘Accept’ button.

Terms and Conditions page

Now it’s time for you to setup the password for the MetaMask. Make sure you put in the same password for both fields.

Password setup page

You’ll then see a screen showing your backup key (we blurred ours for security reasons). Copy and save it somewhere safe. Remember to do it carefully, as this passphrase can be used to access all your funds stored in MetaMask.

MetaMask recovery passphrase

Now you have finished setting up your MetaMask wallet! You should see the following screen:

MetaMask main page

Click on the three dots to reveal the action menu. You can now click on ‘Copy Address to clipboard’ to know your Ethereum address of the MetaMask wallet.

Action menu

After getting the address for the MetaMask Ethereum wallet, you can now send the Ether you bought to this address. You should receive the funds within minutes (depends on the Ethereum network speed then). You can see the received funds in MetaMask after the transaction is complete.

Now with the MetaMask wallet funded, you are lock’n’loaded and ready to invest in our ICO!

Step 2. Ready, Action!

Open our official website ( and click on the ‘Invest Now’ button. A box shall pop-up, asking for the Ethereum address you’ll be using to invest in our ICO. In the case of our tutorial, just fill in the MetaMask Ethereum address you have acquired from the previous step (or fill in your own ERC-20 compatible address if you plan to use services other than MetaMask).

Also remember to fill-in the E-mail address. This is the E-mail address we’ll be sending the KYC form and instructions after the end of the crowd sale (15th of July, 2018). This is very important since we’ll only ‘unfreeze’ the ADG tokens in your Ethereum wallet after confirming your identity. Please make sure you do fill in the correct E-mail and Ethereum wallet address. To look at the Ethereum wallet address of your MetaMask plugin, just click on the plugin icon in your browser and then click the ‘Copy Address to clipboard’ button.

Adgonos Investor’s Form
Confirmation boxes

If you’re all set, confirm the two check boxes and press ‘Go!’, we’ll redirect you to our ICO token sale page. (If you have installed MetaMask but however see a warning message showing you haven’t, please click on the MetaMask icon in your browser and login with your password.)

Adgonos ICO crowd sale page

Once in this page, you can take a look at some details regarding our ICO crowd sale, and also the current price of the ADG token. Now, it’s the moment of truth :). Click on ‘Invest Now’ to go to the invest page.

Adgonos invest page

For MetaMask Users:

Type in the number of tokens you want to invest. The price of the tokens are listed on the previous Crowdsale page. In this case, we put 40000 tokens in.

Type in the number of tokens you want to invest.

Then click on the blue ‘INVEST’ button, and a MetaMask confirmation window should pop-up, asking for your permission to send the funds. Just click on confirm, and you should receive our tokens within a few minutes!

40000 ADG tokens received

Congratulations! Now you have received the ADG tokens. If you want to check the amount of tokens you own within the MetaMask plugin, you can follow these steps. (Note that the tokens are already in your wallet, the following steps are only to ‘tell’ MetaMask to recognize the ADG tokens you have owned)

The Ethereum Network is currently quite congested. You might have to wait a few minutes to a few hours before the network could confirm your transaction and send ADG tokens to your wallet. We apologize for the inconvenience and thank you for your understanding.

First, click on the ‘TOKENS’ tab of the MetaMask plugin.

Tokens tab of MetaMask

Then click on ‘ADD TOKEN’. You should be presented with the following screen. Fill in the Token Contract Address of ADG token:
The Token Symbol and Decimals of Precision field should be populated automatically once you paste the Token Contract Address in.
(Note that this is the TOKEN address of ADG tokens, not the ICO address of the crowd sale, so do not send funds to this address)

Adding ADG tokens to MetaMask

Now you should be able to see the ADG tokens you own in the ‘TOKENS’ tab in MetaMask.

ADG tokens added to MetaMask

For Other Users (e.g. MyEtherWallet):

First of all, copy the contract address of the current tier.

Copy the contract address of the current tier

Do not close this tab. Open another browser tab and login to your service of choice (e.g. in this case MyEtherWallet). Paste the address in the receiver field, and also fill in the amount you want to invest (in ETH).

Pasted the ICO contract address to MyEtherWallet

Then, go back to our crowdsale page. Click on the drop-down menu on the right hand side and change it from ‘Metamask’ to ‘Other’. Some instructions should appear down below. Copy the MethodID shown.

Copying the MethodID

Go to your MyEtherWallet tab, and click on ‘Advanced: Add Data’. Paste the MethodID into the ‘Data’ field (or the equivalent field in your service of choice). Then click on ‘Generate Transaction’, and you should be good to go! The tokens should arrive your wallet within a few minutes.

Pasting the MethodID to the Data field.

And that’s all, you’ve successfully bought tokens of this great ICO!

If you want to confirm that you actually own the tokens, follow these steps to show our token in the Ethereum service you choose.

In the case of MyEtherWallet, click on ‘Add Custom Token’ on the right hand side. Put in the following information for each field.

Token Contract Address: 0x807825EcBc511e01A11adc62A5f8912b2D2132fb
Token Symbol: ADG
Decimals: 18

Then hit the ‘save’ button.

Adding ADG token to MyEtherWallet

You should see the ADG tokens listed in MyEtherWallet (or the service you choose) now.

Added ADG to MyEtherWallet

What to Do Next?

Now that you’ve made your investment, please prepare your KYC (know your customer) documents before 15th of July, which marks the end of our token sale. Though you can see the tokens in your wallet now, it is not transferable (i.e. frozen) until you have completed the KYC process after the end of the ICO. Don’t worry, we’ll send another tutorial to your E-mail then on how to complete the KYC process.

We are also actively negotiating with several exchanges so that you can sell our tokens once we are listed on their platforms.

In the meantime, you can join/ follow our various social media platform to receive further updates about the ICO!

Telegram Group:

Then, just HODL and hope for the best (i.e. moon)!

Having problems?

If you have encountered any problem during the process above, feel free to contact us immediately.
Our Email:

Post Notes:

Kudos to the folks at POA Network (! Our crowd sale system is based on their open source project Token Wizard ( with some improvements and modifications.




ADGONOS is the first ICO launched by students from top-notch universities across Asia. ADGONOS revolutionizes the conventional way of monetizing apps with ads.