
Adham Elshahabi
2 min readMay 8, 2018

Gu gu gu..te- te- te- nnnnnn.. Mooooorgen.. doktor..
I am so glad you are here.. I have traveled long and have been waiting for an appointment..
I came here with fear.. I fear to stay the same.. With my thoughts just for me.. I fear to speak so slow, that no one wants to hear.. They all think I am fading.. my whole seems to disappear..
Year after year, I worked like a machine.. even when all retired.. I went on for 10 more winters.. I just couldn’t leave.. I could have gone to Cuba.. I could have sailed the seas.. I could have built a villa.. I could have.. i could have.. I could have..
Now I am stuck in myself.. with words as many as none.. I have lost the way to folks.. I have lost the meaning of all..
Please don’t think I am stupid.. the brain works faster than my tongue.. I used to scold the kids.. I used to sing and hum.. I used to do it all.. before my health was gone..
I know it is the end.. things won’t be the same.. I know the days are different.. that hope is rather lame.. I won’t ask for much.. it is little what I need.. I just would like a look.. of patience and of respect for whom I once was.. I will suffer, for sure, alone..
Acknowledgement would be fine..

