PinnedPublished inUX Planet16 little UI design tips that make a big impactA step by step UI design case study to quickly fix an example user interface using logic-driven UI design tipsMar 14, 2023327Mar 14, 2023327
UI design tip: Try to avoid using multiple alignmentsSticking with a single alignment (or as few as possible) helps to simplify an interface, making it look neater and tidier.Jan 11, 20234Jan 11, 20234
Published inUX PlanetI’ve been doing buttons wrong! Have you?Quick and practical button design tips to avoid common usability and accessibility problems.Feb 3, 20229Feb 3, 20229
Hey Codey, as a product designer, I understand the point you're trying to make, but like most…"Good design can be taught". Agreed, but like with any skill, the skill level you attain will depend not only on how much you…Mar 17, 2021Mar 17, 2021