Is Anti-Radiation Glasses Worth It?

adhi satria
2 min readMar 26, 2019


Photo by Bud Helisson on Unsplash

Nowadays, most of our activity requires to spend our time use computers or other digital devices, like doing the task, replying messages, watching videos and many more. This gives various effects to our eyes, such as tired eyes, blurred vision, and red eyes. Some people use anti-radiation glasses as an effort to protect their eyes. But, are these anti-radiation glasses effective for reducing the adverse effects of using digital devices?

Reporting from, Dr. Jeffrey Anshel, eye specialist, said that

The effectiveness of glasses is subjective, depending on the wearer. Factors such as visual ability, frequency of computer usage, conditions or workplace environment and visual habits are very influential.

If you don’t have eye problems, actually these antiradiation glasses don’t have many benefits. In fact, it will be a barrier to the movement of vision because the glasses frame limits our vision.

This opinion was also supported by Dr. Robert Noecker, ophthalmologist and Director of Connecticut Glaucoma Consultant Ophthalmic, he said that glasses cannot always prevent stress in the eye in an optimized environment.
Moreover, the range of eyesight range from each side is more optimal if without glasses.

So, what the things we can do to reduce the effects of this radiation? We can apply the 20–20–20 rule. This rule recommends that every 20 minutes we look at digital devices, then 20 seconds later are used to rest by looking at objects as far as 20 feet (6 meters). Besides that, we can also adjust the lighting of our electronic devices and rooms. And the other important thing, we also have to blink frequently to moisten our eyes. So, rather than spending a lot of money on antiradiation glasses, we better build good habits to nourish our eyes.

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