Chaos Engineering — Part 2

Planning your first experiment

Adrian Hornsby
The Cloud Architect


In Part 1 of this series, I introduced chaos engineering and explained how it helps uncover and fix unknowns in your system before they become outages in production; and also how it fosters positive cultural change inside organizations.

While I promised at the end of Part 1 to talk about “the tools and techniques used to inject failures into systems” — I had to follow the “logical” way my mind works.

So, in this post, I’ll instead answer the most common question asked by people who want to start practicing chaos engineering:

“What do you break first?”

Fair question!! And certainly not a question that this panda seems to have the answer to.

Don’t mess with Chaos Panda!

Short answer: Target critical services in your request path.

Long, but wiser answer: There are three areas that you need to invest in, in order to figure out the smartest way to start your chaos engineering…



Adrian Hornsby
The Cloud Architect

Principal System Dev Engineer @ AWS ☁️ I break stuff .. mostly. Opinions here are my own.