Ten lessons from twelve years of AWS

Recording and redacted transcript from my keynote at the AWS Community Day Australia and New Zealand.

Adrian Hornsby
The Cloud Architect


First of all, I would like to thank everyone in the AWS Community in Australia and New Zealand and the AWS Heroes who have helped put this event together.

In particular, Augustino (aka Gus), Peter, and Nathan , the AWS Heroes, and John our OBS Ninja. All have done an amazing work building this Community.

Thank you!

A little reminder that if you plan to share your day with others on social media, please use the hashtag:


A few years ago, I did a talk called ten lessons from ten years on AWS.

That was at the Community Day in Bangalore, India. Back then, there wasn’t any COVID virus, so I traveled there — and I loved it.

I wish I could be on site with you today, but instead, I am virtual with you this early morning, live from Finland.



Adrian Hornsby
The Cloud Architect

Principal System Dev Engineer @ AWS ☁️ I break stuff .. mostly. Opinions here are my own.