The Perfect Man Does Not Exist, But Fairytales Do…

Adi Moran
5 min readMay 15, 2024
Photo by Tim Rebkavets on Unsplash

Imagining Love

From a young age, I’ve been captivated by love. My vivid imagination often led me to daydream of being a princess, swept off my feet by a charming prince. In these daydreams, I crafted intricate scenes where my prince protected me, pursued me with grand gestures, and appeared unexpectedly to share a life with me. These scenes weren’t mere fantasies; they embodied my profound belief in the depth and essence of love. Feeling every emotion as if it were real, I came to understand the profound power of love. These daydreams were like intricate tapestries, weaving together human complexities such as character flaws and vulnerabilities, revealing the raw essence of unconditional love. As I crafted these visions, my belief in a deeper, more profound love expanded, transcending the limits of my everyday experiences. I knew that if I could imagine and believe in such love, it must exist in the world, waiting to be experienced; our ability to envision and believe in something through our thoughts is a testament to its existence.

Dissonance with Reality

After all, everything external in society is a manifestation of the energy we project from our hearts. Our imagination signals the endless possibilities of experiencing life and love, urging us to choose the path that leads us there. However, my mind struggled for years with a dissonance between my imagination and reality. As children, we view the world with curiosity and naivety, believing anything is possible. But as we grow and experience romantic relationships, friendships, societal systems, and family dynamics, we often develop false identities and beliefs about the world. These experiences can lead to limiting beliefs and patterns that shape and restrict the reality we know deep in our hearts is our calling. Focusing on these limiting beliefs, we attract similar patterns into our lives because we are all projections of each other. This way of living is rooted in lies and a path not aligned with God. We’ve been fed the narrative that life grows tougher as we age, and that love in today’s world is scarce and complex, with not enough to go around. When you repeatedly hear or experience this message, it reflects back at you, pushing you to distance yourself from the possibilities of love within your soul.

For many years, I found myself repeatedly drawn to emotionally unavailable and narcissistic partners. This pattern shattered my belief in a fulfilling love, something I had desired since childhood. I came to believe that love had to be small, painful, and chaotic. I placed unrealistic expectations on others, unaware that my perception of love was distorted by years of negative experiences. Despite the nights filled with grief, tears, and heartache, I found solace in my idealized version of love and reconnected with a belief system that aligned with God’s wishes for me. This journey allowed me to embark on a path of self-discovery, where I began to understand the complexities of love and the importance of aligning my beliefs with the love I truly desired.

Transformation Through Love

I used my imagination to navigate the complexities of love and work through the shadows of toxicity I had been exposed to. By mindfully envisioning and feeling the kind of love I desired in my reality, my entire perception of love underwent a profound transformation, altering my life’s trajectory. This journey led me to individuals who shared my deep appreciation for the world and were also on a path of personal growth. I learned to view men through a lens of neutrality, accepting them for where they were in their own lives, while I continued on my path, detached from the outcome. Delving deeper into this path, I realized that love originates within us. Honouring our true innate desires allows us to shape a life filled with infinite possibilities.

Embracing Possibilities

I think we often fear letting go of our current realities or unhealthy perceptions because it leads to a territory in life that is unknown. It makes us question if we will rediscover our inner child’s desires as an adult, or if we will become an integrated version based on the added layers of experiences we accumulate over time. Will we lose everything about who we are and need to start from scratch? What lies underneath all those layers? However, as soon as we trust the process and believe again, we reshape and rewire ourselves to experience joy and contentment that many humans don’t even access in their lifetime. These feelings may be afraid to unlock, as it requires patience, overcoming hurdles, and a willingness to accept loss to gain. When we walk this path regardless of emotional turmoil and experiences, we can’t turn back. It’s fulfilling and serves a bigger purpose outside of ourselves, and the partnership and union we all desire with our counterparts. It’s about letting go of labels of giving and receiving, and just being the person we want to present to the world, regardless of any outside influences of others and external noise.

Fairy tale movies, created by individuals with similar desires, suggest that profound love is attainable. This isn’t to say that love is perfect or effortless; humans are beautifully flawed and complex beings. However, it demonstrates that the capacity for such deep, transformative love exists. The hero we often seek is within us, and once we learn to love ourselves unconditionally, the universe begins to reflect that love back to us. It’s not about being rescued by a man, but about uniting as equals, embracing both the feminine and masculine aspects within ourselves. In fairy tales, we are often presented with both good and evil. These stories remind us that all emotions exist and that regardless of the black-and-white messaging about relationships and human nature, a deeply fulfilling love is possible. Fairy tales serve as a reminder of the magic and potential we all possess to create realities aligned with our true purpose. It is only when we wholeheartedly believe in the abundance of love and prosperity that we stop searching for the perfect man and begin creating a fairy tale in every aspect of our lives, reflecting our deepest desires as human beings.

