Adi Breuer
4 min readFeb 10, 2016


There are unspoken rules of leadership that are rarely visited once the one seeking high position gains what is requested. To lead others is a privilege that most often is not reached by those that seek it out. The misconception of being a leader is that you are to take the position without hesitation no matter what the cost. Hostility is viewed in duality with leadership. This is not the case in this day and age.

Once placed in a position of authority, there is a direct result of the influence you have on those around you. Shaping and directing the surrounding potential, turning it into a positive force moving progress forward. When one becomes a leader, they are fitted with a large amount of responsibility.

This responsibility is being in charge of others time, efforts, ambitions, as well as their sense of self, and worth. What does being a leader truly mean? What makes a great leader? These great questions cause those with the power to place a head to ensure front-runners are not power hungry psychopaths with a selfish agenda.

Leading with humility is a privilege, one not granted to most. Leading is a difficult task. Placing others before yourself goes against our inherent nature of self-serving. Despite which type of leadership style you prefer, there are several principles of being a great one.

Principle 1: Respect

Respect is earned, not given. Regardless of being promoted to a new position, you cannot expect others just to respect you. While a higher pay grade is expected, respect from those under you is not. It is just something that must be earned. Treating others with respect is a great way to earn it, as well as having integrity.

Principle 2: Humility

Remove your ego long enough to learn from those around you. Only admitting mistakes and not learning from them will not take you very far into a leadership role. When there are things that you do not know how to do, ask for help from those who have been successfully doing them. Improving in your field does not make you weak it makes you wise.

Principle 3: Serve

Placing others before yourself is not naturally occurring. It may be a daily struggle if it is something that you are not used to. This will define you as a leader. To lead you have to understand those who follow. If you lack the knowledge of knowing those that follow you, how can you expect for them to continue to support you?

Principle 4: Gratitude

Be consistently thankful for the role that you have in the lives of others. You have been placed in a position that requires you to lead by example. Being a leader is an honor in the majority of all cultures. You are not the only one that makes sacrifices, showing those that follow you that you are grateful for the sacrifices they make will help keep you in that role of leadership.

Principle 5: Humor

What fun is work if there was no humor? Life including business can become stagnant as well as boring if there was nothing to laugh or smile about. Most find it easier to laugh through a terrible situation as opposed to frustration or angst. Employees are more likely to keep on task if the work environment is non-threatening and enjoyable.

While overseeing others one can get caught up in their lives and seem to forget why they are in a high position. It is never too late to start practicing these principles of leadership.

Do not allow the self-ambition of man cloud your judgment, politics of business and policy can get nasty and when push comes to shove how you react to situations will determine how you lead. Too often placed authority leads from ego instead of leading from the area of service. This comes from believing that it is a right to be in such a position, a right it is not.

One must have an understanding that to be a leader is a privilege it is not a right or something that is owed to anyone. When you understand this, you understand that real leadership is about service and helping those around you. Service can quickly be forgotten when life becomes hectic.

Political games and selfish pursuits aside, being a leader does not always mean that it is deserved. When you have been granted a position held in high esteem, and are called to lead others, it is best to lead from a seat of service. Your customers, clients, investors, team, and employees are essential to your leadership. A true leader instinctively places the best interest of the team or group before the best interest of himself or herself.

At Paradigm Shifters, we specialize in leadership development to create meaningful, positive organizational change for our clients. For more information on our coaching and consulting services, call us today at (+1) 415–702–0334.

