Adi Cucolaș
2 min readApr 19, 2018


Thank you for your feedback!

Making diagrams in Google Drawings is very easy as it allows you to make shapes, connect them with lines and drag them around.

A few tips I can give you when drawing a diagram:

  • Start with the legend.

This way everyone who looks at the diagram will have a better understanding of it and it keeps you organized from the start.

  • Use lines correctly.

If you properly connect the lines between shapes, you will be able to move the shapes around and the lines will change accordingly.

You can also change the line’s end. Take advantage of that when using Elbow Connector.

  • DON’T make it too complicated.

You can have a diagram with the overall flow of the chatbot and many others for different Intents which you consider to be more complex. It’s better to separate the diagram in more smaller parts which are more visible and easier to edit, than having everything in a big diagram.

This are some tips I thought about now, if you still have any other questions, feel free to ask anytime.

