How to backup your Scaleway Compute Instances frequently

Adrian Dragocea
1 min readDec 15, 2020


Scaleway is a cloud provider from France with 5 data centers located in multiple countries. Because of its simplicity, stability, and ease of use, it is the first choice for many businesses based in France and Europe.

Backups for Compute Instances

Scaleway offers a backup solution out of the box for their Compute Instances, but it has a big disadvantage: you cannot automatically schedule the backups. This means you have to manually start each backup from their dashboard, CLI, or API.

Hourly to Daily Scaleway Backups using

Using you can schedule backups for your Scaleway Compute Instances that run up to every hour and allow you to have full control over the retention policy.

Under the hood, uses the Scaleway API to create snapshots. The snapshots are securely stored inside Scaleway’s infrastructure, just like a normal backup. In fact, a Scaleway Snapshot is the same thing as a Scaleway Backup, but with more flexibility.

Scaleway will charge you 0.02€/GB/month for your snapshots.

