ESP32 Built-in LED Blinking

Adi H
2 min readJan 27, 2020


This is a simple project using ESP32.

ESP32 is a microcontroller created and developed by Espressif Systems.

We will use example code in Arduino IDE to make the ESP32 built-in LED blinking.



Arduino IDE


Micro USB to USB cable


Step 1: Open a Blink basic project in Arduino IDE on File>Examples>01.Basics>Blink.

Step 2: Connect ESP32 board to computer using Micro USB to USB cable.

Step 3: Change the board configuration to DOIT ESP32 DEVKIT V1 on Tools>Board.

Step 4: Change the port configuration to /dev/cu.SLAB_USBtoUART on Tools>Port.

Step 5: Click Verify to compile the project.

Step 6: Click Upload to run the code on ESP32.

Important! Press the BOOT button on ESP32 when Arduino IDE shows “Connecting” status!

Step 7: The built-in LED will blink with 1 second interval.

Thank you!

