How I got selected for Samsung Prism

Aditya Anand
3 min readAug 12, 2023


Hey there, it’s been quite a whirlwind these past six months! Unexpected twists and turns have kept life interesting, and guess what? I’m back to share an exciting story with you — my first-ever encounter with the incredible world of Samsung Prism.

Back in February 2023, a notice came our way announcing Samsung’s arrival on campus with an internship opportunity named Samsung Prism. Attending their session was a bit like playing the lottery — you never really expect to win, but hey, you’ve got to be in it to have a shot. And to my amazement, I was one of the lucky ones to get selected! 🎉

Now, you might be curious about how this all unfolded. Well, let me break it down for you. The selection process involved three stages: a coding round (array, trees, linkedlist), an aptitude test (basic maths), and an interview (focused on personality and motivations). But here’s the interesting twist — these rounds were conducted not by Samsung representatives, but by our own university professors.

Picture this: a handful of us sophomores nervously stepping into the process, unsure of what to expect. And yet, as fate would have it, I was among the chosen few. Fast forward, and here I am, half a year down the road, working on a real-world project handed down by Samsung themselves. And guess what? They’ve also provided us with mentors to guide us on this exciting journey.

These mentors have been an absolute game-changer. They’ve introduced us to the world of professionalism, unveiling how major corporations tackle projects head-on. We’ve gained insight into the inner workings of handling projects on a grand scale and learned valuable strategies for approaching and managing them effectively.

Let’s rewind to the beginning — I was basically a tech novice. The technologies we’re dealing with, like DevOps, were like foreign languages to me. Yet, that didn’t stop us. From ground zero, we embarked on a learning journey, soaking up new knowledge and skills with relentless determination. And now, as the project’s completion looms ahead, it’s almost surreal to realize how far we’ve come.

I can go on and on. But buddy I know you are trying very hard. The only lesson I’ve learnt— you never truly know when an opportunity will knock. Confidence isn’t an exclusive trait; none of us start out with it. But here’s the thing: taking that leap, even when you’re uncertain, is where the magic happens. Who knows, you might just come out on top.

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Keep hustling as always ♡♡♡

