Aditya Anand
Oct 7, 2022


1. Developer handbook

Handy guide for web/mobile app developers.

2. 100 days of ML code

Perfect repo for newbies who want to learn machine learning.

3. The algorithms

Must visit for everyone.

4. Public apis

A collective list of free APIs.

5. Design patterns for humans

This consists of information about design patterns and suggestions for how to solve particular issues.

6. Javascript algorithms

DSA in javascript.

7. Every programmer should know

8. App ideas

App ideas from beginner to advanced.

9. Awesome courses

Contains courses from top universities.

10. Ethereumbook

Contains concepts you could learn about solidity and etheruem.

11. Free programming books

12. Computer-Science

13. Payloads all the things

A list of efficient payloads and security bypasses for web applications.

14. Coding interview university

15. Freecodecamp

16. Build your own

A another must visit.

