How I’m Building My Web Design Career from Scratch: Daily Struggles and Triumphs

Adil Oravingal
3 min readMay 17, 2024
Struggling Journey of a Beginner Web DEsigner

“Why isn’t this working?” I muttered, staring at my screen. It’s a question that has become all too familiar in my journey as a self-taught web designer. Without any formal education or professional experience, I’ve taken to learning UI/UX design through YouTube tutorials and online resources. My name is Adil Oravingal, and this is my story of navigating the ups and downs of starting a career in web design. Join me as I document each step, struggle, and small victory on Medium.

The First Step: Cold Mail Challenges

Starting out, I knew that reaching potential clients was crucial. I spent hours crafting a cold mail template, hoping it would catch someone’s eye. But nothing seemed right. Then I discovered Google Gemini, which offered a couple of exciting templates to work with.

However, the real lesson came when I learned how to craft an effective cold mail:

  • Highlight Positives: Instead of focusing on what’s wrong with their website, I emphasized what I liked about their business.
  • Offer Free Value: I decided to offer a free 5/30 minute audit of their site, giving them insights without any commitment.

The Fiverr Profile Hurdle

Next, I turned my attention to my Fiverr profile. I wanted to update my profile description to make it more appealing. But I hit a roadblock — I couldn’t find the option. After navigating through settings, I discovered my account wasn’t verified.

Verifying my account and filling out the W-9 form felt like a small victory. I uploaded two of my favorite projects to my portfolio and started seeing some impressions. It was a slow start, but a start nonetheless.

Discovering Keywords

A game-changer for me was discovering By searching for Fiverr keywords, I found “figma design website.” It felt like the perfect niche for my skills. I updated my gig to “I will make figma design website,” hoping to attract more clients.

Pricing Dilemma

Excited about my new gig, I did a search to see the competition. I found a designer from Pakistan offering a similar service for $15, with over 600 sales. My $35 price suddenly felt too high. To stay competitive, I dropped my price to $10.

The Grind Continues

I updated my gig images and made sure my profile was polished. Despite the effort, I haven’t made a sale yet. The doubt creeps in — am I good enough? Will anyone hire me?

But instead of giving up, I remind myself that every journey begins with a single step. Each failure teaches me something new, and every small win brings me closer to my goal.

Conclusion: Embracing the Journey

Starting a freelance career with no experience is tough. It’s a path filled with uncertainty and doubt. But it’s also filled with opportunities to learn and grow. If you’re on a similar journey, remember that persistence is key. Every expert was once a beginner, and every small step counts.

I’ll be documenting my daily journey here on Medium. If you’re interested in following along, hit the follow button. Let’s navigate the world of web design together, one step at a time.



Adil Oravingal

Self-taught UI/UX designer sharing my journey from scratch. Passionate about intuitive design and continuous learning. Follow for daily tips and inspiration!