Heartbreaking! Local Student Intern Dreaming About How His Post Will Go Viral Banned From Buzzfeed!

Adi Melamed
3 min readJul 13, 2017


Tasked with just a simple project to generate some site traffic, local area boy, Adi Melamed took the initiative to go beyond the call of duty and created largely irrelevant content that will definitely go viral. Isn’t it sweet?! Too bad Buzzfeed owned his a%$ and permanently banned him from posting content like ever again! Talk about a let down!

The ultimate pwning machine!

Adi Melamed has always been the noble one. He’s definitely more creative than all of his peers, and usually puts it to really good use. Although many of his peers have cited that he channels most of his energy into dumb, sub-funny content, we here like to give people the benefit of the doubt! Yeah so anyways, when All The Rooms challenged him and his fellow interns to get as many people as possible to click on alltherooms.com/AM, Adi put his brain to good use!

Realizing that all of his friends enjoy receiving spam on their Facebook newsfeed and probably enjoy second-tier Onion-style articles even more, Adi started an ambitious campaign to feature alltherooms.com/AM all over the place! While fellow intern, Lisa Schold quite publically stated that this was in fact, a really bad call Adi, and you’re definitely making a fool out of yourself for a company you don’t even work for, in a manner that almost certainly won’t generate relevant traffic to the website, Adi went for it anyways. Isn’t that great?!

Letting things get to his head, Adi almost immediately imagined how viral all his content would definitely get. Like come on, going above the call of duty? That stuff always works. Just the thought of all the recognition he would get for his ingenuity sent him to work. And in the span of just 2 days he made 2 Onion-style posts on Buzzfeed. That’s pretty good. Like really good. Probably took him a few hours and some time up at the drawing board. Good for him. We respect that kind of hustle.

Until he totally got PWNED by Buzzfeed and got permanently banned from posting any content whatsoever on their website! Like WHAT! What a loser! Dreaming about his posts going viral? Pft get your head out of the clouds Adi! Buzzfeed handed him his a$& in a way most people never experience. Good on Buzzfeed. Honestly, what a solid.

Although this was really heartbreaking for Adi, we have to admire his nobility. It is really good to make content that you think will almost definitely go viral. And although Adi has got no shot at virality, Lisa definitely got the last laugh and was reported lightly punching him on the arm and reminding Adi that he definitely made a fool out of himself for a company he doesn’t even work for! Maybe there always is a happy ending!



Adi Melamed

Passionate about synthesizing, spreading and changing ways of thinking, rewriting our brain’s software, and keeping an open mind