Party in the Metaverse

Adiom From Canfly
2 min readJan 20, 2023


On the evening of my birthday — 28 december, I decided to go into the metaverse for the first time. I was a bit apprehensive at first; would it be as exciting as everyone said? Little did I know that my decision to take this leap of faith would end up being one of the best decisions in my life!

As soon as people got wind that it was indeed my birthday, they all started congratulating me. It felt so real and sincere — like an actual party with friends! This made me feel so warm inside and gave me such positive vibes that before long, half an hour had turned into two hours.

Since then, exploring different worlds within metaverses has become something very close to heart for me. Every day brings a new discovery or two which keeps things interesting and makes this hobby even more rewarding than ever before! Who knew virtual reality could be such fun?!

Since then, every free moment that I have is devoted to studying more about metaverses — from how they work technically behind-the-scenes all the way up through understanding their social implications in our lives today and beyond. From being able to virtually travel around with friends across different countries without leaving your home or even hosting events like concerts or lectures inside these worlds — there are so many possibilities here! The most exciting part has been meeting people from all over who share similar interests as myself; connecting with them has opened up new perspectives on life which makes each day spent within these digital realms truly worthwhile experiences that would be hard (if not impossible) otherwise in real life scenarios.

A place where creativity knows no bounds while still providing enough structure/ruleset so users feel safe & secure when engaging within its boundaries — definitely worth checking out if you haven’t already done so yet ;)

Look how much fun we had here:

