Java IO Tutorial — Java Jar file

5 min readFeb 22, 2020


JAR File Format

JAR File Format

JAR (Java Archive) is a file format based on the ZIP file format.

It is used to bundle resources, class files, sound files, images, etc. for a Java application or applet. It also provides data compression.

A JAR file as a special kind of a ZIP file. You can digitally sign the contents of a JAR file to provide security. It provides a platform-independent file format.

You can use the JAR API to manipulate a JAR file in a Java program.

A JAR file can have an optional META-INF directory to contain files and directories containing information about application configuration.

META-INF directory

The following table lists the entries in a META-INF directory.

Jar tools

The JDK ships a jar tool to create and manipulate JAR files. You can also create and manipulate a JAR file using the Java API using classes in the java.util.jar package.

The JAR API has some new classes to deal with a manifest file. The Manifest class represents a manifest file.

To create a JAR file using the jar tool, many command-line options are available.

The following code lists the command-line options for the jar tool.

Creating a JAR File

Use the following command to create a test.jar JAR file with two class files called A.class and B.class:

jar cf test.jar  A.class B.class

In the above command, the option c indicates that we are creating a new JAR file and the option f indicates that we are specifying a JAR file name, which is test.jar.

At the end of the command, we can specify one or more file names or directory names to include in the JAR file.

To view the contents of the test.jar file, execute the following command:

jar tf test.jar

The option t indicates that we are interested in the table of contents of a JAR file.

The option f indicates that we are specifying the JAR file name, which is test.jar in this case.

The above command will generate the following output:


jar command had automatically created two extra things for you: one directory called META-INF and a file named MANIFEST.MF in the META-INF directory.

The following command will create a test.jar file by including everything in the current working directory.

jar cf test.jar  *

The following command will create a JAR file with all class files in the book/archives directory and all images from the book/images directory.

jar cf test.jar  book/archives/*.class  book/images

We can specify a manifest file using the command-line option while creating a JAR file.

The manifest file is a text file that contains all manifest entries for your JAR file.

The manifest file must have a blank line at the end of the file. Otherwise, the last entry in the manifest file will not be processed.

The following command will use a manifest.txt file while creating test.jar file including all files and sub-directories in the current directory.

jar cfm test.jar manifest.txt *

The order of the options used in the above command matters. f occurs before m, we must specify the JAR file name, test.jar, before the manifest file name manifest.txt.

You can rewrite the above command as follows:

jar cmf manifest.txt test.jar *

Updating a JAR File

Use the option u to update an existing JAR file entries or its manifest file.

The following command will add a C.class file to an existing test.jar file:

jar uf  test.jar  C.class

Suppose we have a test.jar file and we want to change the Main-Class entry in its manifest file to HelloWorld class. You can do that by using the following command:

jar ufe  test.jar HelloWorld

In this command, the option u indicates that we are updating a JAR file; the option f indicates that we are specifying the JAR file name, which is test.jar, and the option e indicates that we are specifying the Main-Class entry’s value as HelloWorld for the MANIFEST.MF file in test.jar file.

Indexing a JAR File

We can generate an index file for JAR file. It is used to speed up class loading.

We must use the option i with the jar command in a separate command, after creating a JAR file.

jar i test.jar

This command will add a META-INF/INDEX.LIST file to the test.jar file. We can verify it by listing the table of contents of the test.jar file by using the following command:

jar tf test.jar

Extracting a JAR File

To extract all or some entries from a JAR file, use the option x with the jar command.

To extract all entries from a test.jar file

jar xf  test.jar

The option x extracts the entries from the JAR file.

The option f specifies the file name, which is test.jar.

The above command will extract all entries from test.jar file in the current working directory.

It will create the same directory structure as it exists in the test.jar file.

To extract individual entries from a JAR file, list them at the end of the command. The entries should be separated by a space.

The following command will extract A.class and book/HelloWorld.class entries from a test.jar file:

jar xf  test.jar A.class  book/HelloWorld.class

To extract all class files from a book directory, you can use the following command:

jar xf  test.jar  book/*.class

Listing JAR File Contents

Use the option t with the jar command to list the table of contents of a JAR file on the standard output.

jar tf test.jar

