Think and Grow Rich — A Book Review

A Classic Self-Help Book with Enduring Lessons

Adisti Nabilah Naufallia
3 min readDec 31, 2023
Think and Grow Rich (Indonesian Edition) — Book Property of Author; Photo by Author.

Napoleon Hill’s Think and Grow Rich is a self-help behemoth, having sold over 100 million copies since its 1937 release. It’s a book that can spark both fervent adoration and scathing criticism, and its legacy remains as complex and fascinating as the man who wrote it. So, what’s the verdict on this self-proclaimed roadmap to riches? Let’s delve into its strengths and weaknesses.


  • Timeless principles: At its core, Think and Grow Rich espouses universal principles like the power of desire, positive thinking, and perseverance. These concepts, while not revolutionary, remain relevant and valuable even in today’s fast-paced world.
  • Motivational force: Hill’s writing is energetic and persuasive, filled with anecdotes and stories that can inspire and invigorate readers. He challenges readers to think big, take action, and never give up on their dreams.
  • Actionable steps: The book outlines 13 specific steps towards achieving wealth and success. While some may find these overly simplistic, they can provide a helpful framework for goal setting and taking initiative.


  • Oversimplification: Hill’s focus on individual will and determination can sometimes neglect the role of external factors like social circumstances, systemic inequalities, and luck. It can feel dismissive of the challenges faced by those with fewer resources or opportunities.
  • Repetitiveness: The book can be repetitive at times, with Hill hammering home the same points repeatedly. This can be tiresome for some readers and may detract from the overall message.
  • Questionable claims: Some of Hill’s claims, such as his association with Andrew Carnegie, have been disputed or debunked. This can raise questions about the book’s factual accuracy and the validity of its methods.


Think and Grow Rich is a complex and contradictory book. It’s a classic for a reason, offering timeless principles and motivational energy. However, it’s important to approach it with a critical eye, recognizing its limitations and acknowledging the role of external factors in achieving success. Ultimately, whether you find it a life-changing manifesto or an outdated relic, there’s no denying its impact on generations of readers and its place as a cultural touchstone in the self-help genre.


If you’re looking for a quick shot of motivation and a classic self-help read, Think and Grow Rich can be a worthwhile experience. Just be prepared to take its claims with a grain of salt and consider its message within a broader context. However, if you’re seeking a nuanced and evidence-based approach to success, this book might not be your best bet.

Who should read it?

  • Anyone seeking a motivational boost and inspiration to pursue their goals.
  • Readers interested in historical and cultural perspectives on self-help and personal development.
  • Individuals who are open to questioning and critically evaluating popular self-help ideas.

I hope this review gives you a balanced perspective on Think and Grow Rich. Remember, the most valuable takeaway from any book is the critical thinking and self-reflection it inspires. Happy reading!



Adisti Nabilah Naufallia

A bookworm and a chronicler of the Inner World. Feel free to follow me on my journey as I explore the world.