The Enigmatic Ruby — The July Birthstone

Kim Garth
4 min readJun 14, 2021

How lucky are those born in the month of July? Their birthstone is one of the most valuable, and sought-after gems, the enigmatic ruby! These fascinating gemstones are known for their rich pigeon blood red color and are associated with passion, romance and love. Rubies are produced from the mineral corundum, just like sapphires; hence, they are known as the “sister stones”.

“There is a shade of red for every woman” — Audrey Hepburn

This beautiful gemstone acquired its name from the Latin word ruber, which means red. It gets its lovely blood-red color due to the chromium element. Rubies are one of the oldest cardinal gemstones along with sapphire, emerald, amethyst, and diamonds!

On the Mohs scale of hardness, rubies are a 9 out of 10 making it the 2nd hardest gemstone (along with the sapphires) after diamonds. Due to their high durability, these gemstones can be used to make fine jewelry that can be worn on a day-to-day basis.

Rubies have been associated with royalty and celebrities for decades. The queen of England is known to have a huge collection of ruby jewelry, which includes an Edwardian style ruby, a diamond necklace, and a ruby tiara that was gifted by the people of Burma. Prominent jewelry pieces from Victoria Beckham’s collection like her oval cut ruby engagement ring have reinstated this wonderful gemstone’s popularity!

Rubies Origin

Rubies are mined in various locations around the world. The below-mentioned countries are some of the top producers of rubies:

  • Burma : These are considered the highest quality rubies as they offer a true red color in the higher end.
  • Madagascar: These rubies tend to be orangish red but generally have excellent transparency.
  • Thailand: These rubies generally have a heavy purplish undertone. GemsNY doesn’t carry Thai rubies.
  • Tanzania: Such rubies tend to be orangish and purplish-red but generally have excellent transparency.
  • Mozambique: Relatively new mine that is currently producing high-quality rubies in volume. Considered by most as the second-best origin for rubies in prestige. They tend to have a purplish undertone.

Shades of Rubies

The color saturation and intensity is one of the primary price drivers for rubies. Below mentioned color grades easily defines the different shades:

  • Pigeon Blood — The Richest red color without being overly dark.
  • Deep — Slight oversaturation of color. May appear opaque.
  • Medium — The soothing red color with undertones of pink or purple hues.
  • Purplish — More purple than red in saturation
  • Pinkish — More pink saturation than red.

Rubies- Fun Facts

The ancient Hindus believed that a person would be rebirthed as an emperor if they offered rubies to lord Krishna. Over a period of time, ruby has earned a lot of legendary lores among different people in different societies. in the world.

In India, people believed that ruby had the power that enabled the ruby owners and their enemies to stay at peace with each other.

In Burma, people believed that if they had a ruby, it would make them invincible in battle, by inserting the gemstone into their flesh and making it a part of their body. (source:

Ruby Jewelry

GemsNY has the finest quality of gemstones available, you can get your own piece of the enigmatic stone from our stores or on our website.

Here are a few gorgeous pieces that we make.

Ring — The lush red gemstone wrapped around your finger will look just so gorgeous. View the page to make your own Gemstone ring piece now.

Earrings — The better together pair of earrings is the perfect way to make your evening look elegant and classier. Click here to explore more.

Pendants — The solitaire pendants, simple yet elegant, are our favorites. To make your own Ruby pendant visit the GemsNY website.

Bracelets — A little something to hold on to you tight, our bracelets are a must have in your accessory box. Click to make your own Ruby Bracelet of jewelry.

GemsNY is the perfect place to grab a piece of your favourite gemstone. To make your finest piece of jewelry click here.



Kim Garth

Kim is creative writer in New York City. She loves to write about fashion and jewelry. Other than writing she spent her time with cats.