10 Interesting Questions you can ask in Truth or Dare Game

Aditi Hulwan
2 min readDec 7, 2023


Recently, I went out with my childhood friends for lunch, and since our order was delayed, we decided to go with a quick round of Truth or Dare. We started counting numbers until we reached 20. The person with the number 21 has to choose truth or dare.

Truth or Dare??

Here are some 10 interesting questions for the person if he chooses Truth

  1. If you could switch lives in your family with someone for a day, who would it be and why?
  2. What’s a secret that you are been holding for so long but are scared to reveal in front of your best friend?
  3. Is there a particular movie, book, or song that resonates with your feelings about love and relationships?
  4. If you have to choose between a high-paying job that you dislike and a low-paying job that you like very much, which would you choose and why?
  5. Do you have any money-related habits or rituals that you follow?
  6. Is there a specific childhood memory that has shaped your current personality?
  7. How do you navigate the balance between individual freedom and societal expectations in your life?
  8. If you were to start a YouTube channel, what content would you focus on?
  9. What’s the weirdest dream that you've had in your whole life?
  10. If you had the courage, what’s the one thing you’d confess to your crush right now?

Trust me, if you do want to make an impression on people or want to understand how a person thinks, ask these questions in the game and steal the show by making people amazed.

The above questions are randomly selected; depending on your friend circle, you can go ask them.

