If I Had Doraemon’s Anywhere Door

Aditi Jain
2 min readAug 24, 2020


I believe that everyone dreams of having Doraemon or his pocket full of gadgets. But if you ask me my favourite gadget that I would love to take from Doraemon will not be other than anywhere-door. Anywhere door is a door frame in the form of a gadget which is used to travel from one pace to another in seconds just by thinking about the place you would love to go. You think of a place where you want to go while opening the door and BOOM- you arrive at that place.

I love travelling and who doesn’t? It’s just a matter of money and time. But if the world invents anywhere door the tourism industry will suffer significantly. I would travel the world without spending a single rupee on transportation. It will save so much time and money. There will be less pollution in the environment due to no vehicles used in travel. It will also help in seeing the world at the comfort of our homes.

In one moment I will be under the Eiffel Tower in Paris and in the very next moment watching the Northern Lights in Alaska and in the next moment playing with snow in Switzerland and in the next moment basking in the sun in the Bahamas. I would also just go to places to eat my favourite food at a particular vendor just by thinking about it.

Apart from being able to see the beautiful world and having my favourite food across the world, anywhere door will also help me to live together with my family. I and my family live in different cities due to work and study commitments. But because of the anywhere door, we would we live together in the same house and go to our respective places with the help of the door. It will also save so much time that I spent on the commute on an everyday basis which will help me to use that time for doing things I love the most and I don’t get time for that in my everyday life. I will also meet my friends and family who live in different parts of the world whenever I will miss them.

I think to have an anywhere door will make my dream come true. I hope science and technology advance so much one day that we can actually own an Anywhere-Door. And I don’t think that day is far when we will use the anywhere door. And if you don’t believe me then, did you think that you will be able to talk to each other every day with a device in your pocket!

