5 Tips to Become a Morning Runner (Good Runner)

Aditi Upadhyay
6 min readJun 24, 2020


Kudos, as now you want to become a runner.

Well, if you are a beginner and going to start your runs then you are at the right place. I must tell you that I am not a trainer but yes I have finished 5 half marathons and countless 10kms and 5kms runs in the last 2 years. Out of my personal experience, I can share with you the tips to become a good runner.

Morning Runner

Once you start running I bet you that with the right training and guidance you will start loving your runs.

Mark my words — “Right training and guidance” is essential.

Yes, it is essential to have injury-free runs otherwise it will become a stress and boredom task an instead of enjoyable exercise and way of meditation for many.

I would recommend you to find a coach to teach you how, when, and where to run. Getting confused? I will explain to you in detail not to worry.

How much to run in a day, week, or month?

Well, there is a saying -

A short run is far better than no run.

2km to 5km that too 3 times a week is enough as a beginner. Well, when you start running, you should run at a comfortable pace. Don’t rush in achieving many miles or pace.

“Too much too soon becomes the reason for injuries.”

So to have injury-free runs take it day by day and improve your performance gradually.

When to run, what’s the best time to run?

Morning Run

Well, Morning is ideally the best time for any and every kind of exercise. Choose early morning runs instead of late-night runs as during the night time the light is not sufficient and you may have difficulty in finding your track. Evening runs may not give you fresh air which your body actually needs.

Morning is the best time because you get the right amount of oxygen, light and your whole day goes well when you start your day with your workout regime.

Where to run, on the ground, cemented road, or mud?

The ground is the best place to practice your runs. Well, synthetic tracks are also advisable both of these places keep you away from injury.

Running on Ground

To be true, becoming a morning runner is not an easy task. You have to be patient and with deliberate practice only you can achieve your goals.

To achieve something MY Mantra is —

“Put your head, hands, and heart into your practice to achieve your goals.”

Well, I have heard people saying -

What it takes to become a runner — Everything.

What you get when you become one — Well. Everything.

From the bottom of my heart, I feel my love for the runs increasing day by day. I don’t even feel shy to admit that there are times when I have felt like dying and sometimes I wanted to ask myself why I am doing this. But above all, you know your soul craves for that feeling which you get after finishing your run.

Moreover, It depends on how you see things. How you understand the situations and how you perceive the conditions.

Here, I am going to share some tips to become a morning runner -

  1. Sound Sleep is vital — Not just 4, 5, or 6hrs of sleep but your body needs at least 8hrs of sleep. Yes, a sound sleep for Athletes of 8hrs without any interruption is necessary.

Make sure to sleep between 9:30 pm to 10 pm daily and make a habit of doing so. Sleeping regularly at the same time activates the body clock which aids you to sleep fast.

Sound Sleep

Avoid caffeine and liquor at night and keep your smartphones and gadgets at an arm’s length.

Meditation, before you are going to sleep, helps you to sleep well. Be grateful for what you have and feel good about the blessings you are receiving.

2. Join the community — How I started my running routine? And How I religiously followed it throughout the years? I joined the running club in my city. Then I discussed it with my friends and asked them to join it. I am lucky in this matter. They joined and we started running together. This way I get to spend time with my favorite people (my friends) during my runs and thus running has become my favorite fitness activity.

Group Running

We even created a network even to make a wakeup call. It also helped me to get up early and thus I continued my early morning runs. Well, if you do not have such friends then it's all ok you can join clubs and make friends there.

Believe me - “Athletes are friendly in nature and open to everyone.”

3. Stay hydrated — Your body needs liquids. Once you wake up the very first thing you should do even before brushing your teeth is you should gulp at least 1lt of water. Our bodies contain 70% water and when you sleep your body loses some fluids. Replenishing the fluids is essential.


Remember to settle down your fluids and flush out toxins out of your body before hitting the road. Also, Choose the track which allows you to take nature’s call.

4. Choose the right outfit and gears — You can easily find running apparels in the online stores and in the market. Choose the right running outfit which helps you to move miles. If you are ok to reveal your skin then sports bra and shorts are the best for girls.

Running Clothes

Choose dry-fit clothes to let your sweat evaporate easily. Shoes are the most important gears for running miles. Whatever brand you prefer to choose a plus-size shoe for running.

Running Shoes

5. Constantly change your track/path — You have to make your new hobby enjoyable. Running on the same road may make you feel bored and tedious. To keep your interest up look for some new roads and paths that keep you motivated and thrilled towards your goals.

Follow these tips to become a good runner.

Read my quora answer on What should I do to start running tomorrow morning?

Click here - Tips to start running tomorrow morning

Happy Running !! Enjoy your runs.





Aditi Upadhyay

Founder of Merakee, a complete marketing company in Indore. Having 5+years of Industry experience & handling Digital marketing projects nationally-International