What Your Favorite Apps Will Do in iOS 8.

How developers will adopt the newest iOS 8 technologies.

Adit Shukla
4 min readJun 17, 2014

Apple revealed some of the most exciting changes to iOS in years at WWDC recently. The introduction of thousands of new APIs, extensibility, widgets, HomeKit, HealthKit, CloudKit and much more have left app developers with a lot to consider about the future of their apps. So with an unprecedented number of possibilities of where apps could go, what is this going to all mean for the average user? It’s all very well to read the descriptions of the new technology, but what will it look like in apps you care about? The team at Two Toasters (which makes products like the Webby Award-winning Birchbox iPhone app) mocked up how some of the most popular apps might take advantage of iOS 8 when it launches later this year.

Amazon’s 1-click purchase with Touch ID

Touch ID (Amazon)

Touch ID — the fingerprint reader on the iPhone — has always been a neat, but slightly gimmicky feature. Now with iOS 8 developers will finally be able take advantage of Touch ID authentication in their own apps. For example, Amazon could take implement Touch ID API to make purchasing more streamlined and secure instead of asking a user for credit card verification. It’s easy to imagine that shopping, banking and other apps dealing with sensitive information will also likely want to take advantage of Touch ID to provide protection without hampering usability.

An implementation of Swarm iOS 8 notifications

Widgets & Actionable Notifications (Swarm by Foursquare)

Your favorite apps will be able to display custom widgets in the Today view of Notification Center. They will also be able to provide custom interactions to both push notifications and widgets. This could be big for Swarm — an app by Foursquare that keeps tabs on your location in the background so you can choose to broadcast it to friends. With iOS 8, Swarm will be able to identify that you’ve been hanging out at that bar for a while and gently prompt you check-in without even having to open up the application.

Handoff across devices with Spotify

Handoff (Spotify)

Tighter integration of OS X and iOS is another exciting development from WWDC this year. In particular, the Handoff API will allow for the transition from a mobile to a desktop experience (and vice-versa) to be as seamless as possible. A company like Spotify could use this feature to relay your favorite music across devices as you leave for work, shifting from laptop to mobile, without skipping a beat.

Sharing health data across apps with HealthKit

HealthKit (RunKeeper/Strava)

HealthKit got a nice plug at Apple’s keynote, and for good reason. The Health app is going to bridge data across the glut of health apps and fitness trackers to become a record of your overall physical and mental condition. Third-party applications like RunKeeper and Strava will be able to both push and pull data, no longer siloing all of your fitness data on either platform. Want to switch from a Fitbit Flex to the Jawbone Up24? No problem. Health will help merge and store that data so that you never lose track of your steps. Apps will be able to better focus on specific features (e.g. just tracking or just personal training) instead of trying to cram everything together.


Without a doubt, it’s going to be a frenzied summer for developers as they investigate the potential of iOS 8. There’s a lot to consider both in terms of features and user experiences. Thankfully, all of these opportunities are going to result in some big wins for iOS users.

About Two Toasters

Two Toasters is a mobile app design and development firm located in NYC and NC. They’ve built award-winning iOS and Android apps for clients such as Birchbox, Airbnb, ModCloth, Jackthreads and Simple.



Adit Shukla

Director of Creative Services & Cofounder @ Two Toasters / All around Pixel Pusher and Problem Solver