3 Tips to Boost Sales with One Step Checkout Magento 2 Extension

Aditya Bhavsar
4 min readJul 10, 2019


Checkout is the cornerstone of any eCommerce store. That’s where all the money lies. It doesn’t really matter how creative your store looks or how much traffic you are generating if you can’t make a sale. If you want to translate your traffic to conversions, the checkout process is the first thing you should work upon. Of all the visitors your store gets, only a few enter your checkout funnel! You simply cannot afford losing sales from those few who are interested in your products.

When it comes to Magento, the default checkout flow is good; but not great. If you want to earn more conversions, you need a highly optimized checkout experience that your customers simply cannot escape from. To help you fight cart abandonment from your Magento store, here we present 3 best tips and ideas that you can execute upon right away to boost sales:

#1: Enable Guest Checkout

“One out of every four customers abandon cart due to ‘forced account registration’.”

If you can get your customers create their account, they are likely to visit your store frequently. They can save their payment info. place orders with just a few clicks create their wish-list, etc. Encouraging users to create an account on your store is perfectly fine. We get it. But restricting them to place an order from your store unless they have registered their account — may cost you a sale! The default Magento checkout flow makes it mandatory to “Create an Account” or “Sign In” for placing an order.

My point here is this: let your users check out as a guest! And if you want to encourage them to create an account, do it once they’ve completed their purchase. Offer your customers account creation option on the “Thank You” page after check out. Now that you already have their name, email, phone number, and address — give them an option to choose a password if they wish to create an account.

“Over 48% of online retailers also said a guest checkout was the most important factor in increasing shopping cart conversion rates on their websites.”

When you offer exceptional checkout experience, your customers would vouch about it! And. Did I mentioned, that way you can beat your competitors, too!

#2: Make Checkout Mobile-friendly:

“It’s estimated that in the next three years, mobile retail sales will control 54% of the e-commerce market share in the United States alone.”

There are over 5 billion mobile devices across the globe! This means the majority of your customers might be interacting with your store through their mobile devices. And, if you fail to cater them with a seamless checkout experience, guess what? Your competitor will make a new customer! This is why it is crucial to have a mobile-optimized checkout.

When it comes to the default Magento checkout flow, it works well on large screen devices (desktops, laptops, and tablets). However, it is not “optimized” for small-screen devices. Thus, if you want to serve your customers well and earn more conversions — having a mobile-optimized checkout is a must!

“74% of mobile users are more likely to revisit websites that are mobile-friendly.”

#3: Keep It Simple!

No one likes to get busy with complicated “stuff” that’s hard to predict and understand! If your customers find the checkout flow too complex to get along with, they’ll go and buy from somewhere else. There’s absolutely no point in keeping 5 distinct steps and transporting a user through 5 different pages — one for each step! That way, chances are that you may lose your customer before he completes the order.

Remember: Simpler the checkout is, more conversions you’ll earn! Your checkout process needs to be simple yet intuitive. For the users who’re already signed in, make use of their account info you already have! This way, you can dramatically reduce the checkout time and boost sales!

One Step Checkout for Magento 2: One Extension for Overcoming All Checkout Challenges!

Fighting the “cart abandonment” mammoth is indeed a challenging job. There should be a better way of optimizing checkout, isn’t it? There is! With a One Step Checkout Magento 2 extension, you can bring all the checkout steps on one page and simplify the checkout process!

A Magento 2 one page checkout extension can help you optimize the checkout greatly thereby enhancing your customers’ overall shopping experience. If you are ready to take your store’s checkout experience several notches above what Magento offers by default, MageDelight’s Magento 2 one step checkout extension should be your next move. It will help you…

-Let your users checkout as a guest.
-Optimize the checkout for small screen devices.
-Simplify the checkout process by reducing the number of steps.
-Customize the checkout per your needs.
-Display delivery date and time options.
-Reduce the overall checkout time.

Grab their extension and start earning more conversions today!



Aditya Bhavsar

Creative by soul; technical writer by passion & profession, Aditya is a playful wordsmith who loves to help eCommerce businesses build their brand online.