Quantum Computing

2 min readSep 10, 2023


The Wave-Particle Duality

Imagine a surfer facing an approaching wave. Just as the wave-particle duality reveals, particles like electrons and photons can display dual characteristics — behaving as both particles and waves. In this analogy, the surfer represents particles, and the wave exemplifies their wave-like nature. This idea, exemplified through Einstein’s photoelectric effect, introduces the foundational concept of quantum mechanics — particles possess wave-particle duality, which leads to perplexing phenomena.

The Birth of Quantum Mechanics

Quantum mechanics came into full view in the early 20th century, with Niels Bohr’s quantum atom model. This model described how electrons orbiting the atomic nucleus exhibited quantum behavior. In contrast to classical planetary orbits, electrons followed quantum mechanical standing waves. The Schrödinger equation became the pivotal tool to describe these quantum systems, unveiling the astonishing three-dimensional shapes that described electron behavior in various elements.

Understanding Quantum Spin

One of the most intriguing aspects of quantum mechanics is spin. In 1921, researchers discovered that electrons in silver atoms, which were believed to have no spin, exhibited spin behavior when subjected to a strong magnetic field. This revelation unveiled that quantum attributes, such as spin, could only have discrete orientations — either spin up or spin down. This quantization of space and quantum attributes introduced a whole new level of complexity to quantum mechanics.

The Quantum Bit (Qubit)

The transition from classical computing to quantum computing hinges on the concept of the quantum bit or qubit. Unlike classical bits that represent information as zeros or ones, qubits exist in a superposition of states, allowing for the simultaneous representation of multiple values. This quantum parallelism empowers quantum computers to tackle complex problems more efficiently. Building a functional quantum computer, however, remains a daunting challenge due to the fragility of qubits.

Quantum Computing’s Potential

In the late 20th century, physicist Richard Feynman proposed using quantum systems to model other quantum systems. Quantum computers could revolutionize fields such as drug discovery by simulating molecules with unprecedented accuracy. Quantum bits offer enormous computational power, but maintaining their quantum coherence while interacting with the external world remains a significant hurdle.

Building Quantum Devices

Cutting-edge research focuses on building large-scale quantum devices using single phosphorus atom qubits embedded in silicon crystals. By precisely implanting phosphorus atoms and imposing order on the crystal lattice, scientists aim to create controlled qubit arrays. This development holds the promise of advancing quantum computing technology, bringing us one step closer to harnessing the vast potential of quantum mechanics.

Check my Previous Article on Quantum Computers

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