5 min readAug 2, 2020

The Curious case of Ornithophobia

Pigeons, yes pigeons a two legged creature which I am afraid of is a bird. Actually let me rephrase that I hate pigeons and every single thing about them. Now if you’re a decent human being who likes peace of mind you will find pigeons annoying. It could be anything it’s weird sound ,shitting on your car/clothes, it’s lack of ability to distinguish between a grain of food and your foot anything. These are the common situations in which you encounter a pigeon in your daily life. But in my case it’s a bit different. I am just scared of their prescence and whenever I see them I feel like they are about to pounce on me and eat my flesh with their beak. Now there are many reasons to why I feel this way. Firstly their structure, although I am an atheist but I think God really messed up this creature. A pigeon looks like it wanted to be a duck but didn’t clear the entrance test. Why are they multicolored why ?????? Let’s start with their head it’s grey , alright cool then you see it has red eyes with black pupil and it’s throat is greenish blue in colour and has some purple/violet in it and it’s abdomen is grey again then it has black stripes on it’s back for no reason at all why ??

According to "a popular website/survey which you will believe it anyway without even checking if it's true" it is said that there are three pigeons for every ten people in India and I feel each one of them has a mission to shit on as may cars as possible. Like forget cars they shit on your head/shoulders. Interesting fact no other creature does that. Take for example Monkeys, though they are notorious as hell they never shit on you even monkeys have these ethics.

I have a theory about its sound. I believe God was assigning sounds to different creatures of this planet and he used to do one sound each day for one creature. One day he was supposed to assign a sound for pigeons but he had ate something which got stuck on his throat and he kept making weird noises and his ministers thought that's the sound for pigeon and that's it. Now for aeons pigeons have a weird voice.

Now for most of you if you have read it till here might have got to know that there is maybe a possibility that there is something wrong with me. Well you guessed it right I googled and I think I have Ornithophobia which is the fear of birds. The most common symptoms of Ornithophobia is avoidance behaviour which means the tendancy to run away from birds. So in my bedroom we had a French window (the ones that are extended till your knees) and besides the window we had an AC (the old ones which were attached to your windows) and beneath the AC and the grills of the window there was enough space for pigeons to hide from rain/build nests and lay eggs etc. One day I was sitting on the bed and the window was open and a pigeon comes over the marble platform of the window and I can see it through the corner of my eyes and I scared and I really don’t know why. Within few seconds it flew inside the room and I ran to the living room locking the bedroom door with panic and my grandmother and the house help who were present in the house at that moment of time asked me what happened and I said there was a pigeon and both of them bursted with laughter ( obviously) . The house help opened the bedroom door the pigeon came to the living room and I ran to the kitchen. The pigeon was sitting on the fan for a few moments before the house help got rid of her. Now this whole incident took place over a period of five minutes and in those five minutes I had experienced anxiety, sweating, heart palpitations and nausea. When my parents came from work later that day my grandmother narrated the story to them and everyone had a laugh including me. I thought I just got scared because I thought the pigeon pounced on me and made myself forget about the whole incident.

Once I went to the fish market with my grandmother and I saw a hen around that place and I don't know why but I started having goose bumps and I was shivering just by the presence of it. From that day whenever I see a hen I am shit scared of going near it. It was kind of hypocritical of me because I love eating chicken but I am scared of a live one. Once I was in Dubai in a trip with my family and one of the things you experience there was the desert safari where they take you to the middle of the desert in SUV. There is a camp in the middle of the desert where food and entertainment facilities were there. There were many adventurous things like riding a desert bike and jumping off from the sand dunes but for me scariest thing I ever saw was a man holding a live eagle on his hand and giving it to the tourists to hold it and take pictures. Ofcourse I didn't do it but just the presence of an eagle and its intimidating look made run away from it. In one of the parks in Dubai there was a bird show which we went for and in the show there were birds coming out from the backstage and hovering above us while my parents , aunt and my six year old cousin enjoyed the show I was panicking because I had a fear of what if the birds pick me up and eat me. Yeah it's weird right. But even at that time I didn't thought there was something unusual with me.

So in the end I just want to tell you that be kind to people and don’t make fun of their fears . And if you are someone who has fear of any living creature please don’t hate them and tell the whole world how they look disgusting.

Peace out ✌


writer, professional procrastinator, flyingspagetimonster worshipper