Understanding Memory Leaks in Android

4 min readMay 21, 2023

Effective memory management is essential in Android application development to ensure optimal performance and prevent memory leaks. Memory leaks occur when objects are unintentionally retained in memory, leading to increased memory usage and potential performance issues. In this blog, we will delve into the concept of memory leaks in Android, identify common scenarios that can cause them, and provide practical examples using Kotlin, with a focus on the MainActivity.

  1. Objects Referenced from Static Fields: Memory leaks can occur when objects are stored in static fields, as static fields have a longer lifespan than regular instance variables. It is crucial to be mindful of the objects stored in static fields and release them appropriately.
class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity() {
companion object {
private var instance: MainActivity? = null

override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
instance = this

override fun onDestroy() {
instance = null

2. Instance of Application Class: The Application class in Android has a longer lifespan than individual activities and can hold references to objects throughout the application’s lifecycle. Be cautious about retaining objects in the Application class unnecessarily to avoid memory leaks.

class MyApplication : Application() {
private var mainActivity: MainActivity? = null

fun setMainActivity(activity: MainActivity) {
mainActivity = activity

fun getMainActivity(): MainActivity? {
return mainActivity

3. Objects Referenced from Live Threads: Objects referenced from live threads cannot be garbage collected as long as the thread is active. Be mindful of managing threads to prevent memory leaks.

class MyThread : Thread() {
private val mainActivity: MainActivity? = MainActivity()

override fun run() {
// Perform work using mainActivity

4. Implicit Reference in Anonymous and Inner Classes: Instances of anonymous and inner classes have an implicit reference to their enclosing objects. If these instances are not properly released, the enclosing objects can be held in memory longer than necessary, potentially causing memory leaks. It is important to be cautious when using anonymous and inner classes and ensure that any references are appropriately released.

class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity() {
private var backgroundTask: BackgroundTask? = null

override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {

// Start the background task
backgroundTask = BackgroundTask()

override fun onDestroy() {

// Stop the background task and release the reference
backgroundTask = null

private inner class BackgroundTask : Thread() {
private var isRunning = true

override fun run() {
// Perform a long-running task, such as downloading data or processing files
while (isRunning) {
// Task execution

fun stopThread() {
// Stop the thread and perform necessary cleanup
isRunning = false
// Additional cleanup code if required

In this example, we have a MainActivity that starts a background task represented by the BackgroundTask inner class. The background task is responsible for performing a long-running operation, such as downloading data or processing files. The BackgroundTask extends Thread and overrides the run() method to define the task's execution logic.

To prevent a memory leak, the BackgroundTask class provides a stopThread() method that stops the thread execution and performs any necessary cleanup. In the onDestroy() method of the MainActivity, we call stopThread() to terminate the background task and release the reference to the BackgroundTask object, preventing any potential memory leaks.

By managing the lifecycle of the background task and ensuring proper termination, we can avoid memory leaks associated with implicit references in inner classes and maintain efficient memory usage in our Android application.

Remember to adapt this example to fit your specific use case and make appropriate adjustments as needed.

If the MainActivity gets destroyed and the thread keeps running without proper termination, it can lead to several issues:

Memory Leak: The thread holds a reference to the MainActivity, which prevents the activity from being garbage collected even though it is no longer in use. This results in a memory leak as the MainActivity and its associated resources remain in memory, consuming system resources unnecessarily.

Invalid Context: The MainActivity holds a reference to the application’s Context. If the MainActivity is destroyed but the thread continues to run, it may attempt to access the Context, which is no longer valid. This can result in crashes or unexpected behavior when accessing UI components or other resources dependent on the Context.

Inconsistent State: If the thread continues to execute after the MainActivity is destroyed, it may try to update UI elements or interact with other components that are no longer available. This can lead to inconsistencies in the application’s state and potentially cause crashes or unpredictable behavior.

To avoid these issues, it is essential to properly handle thread termination when the MainActivity is destroyed. In the onDestroy() method of the MainActivity, you should call the appropriate method to stop the thread and perform any necessary cleanup. This ensures that the thread is terminated gracefully, releases any resources it holds, and allows the MainActivity to be garbage collected, preventing memory leaks and maintaining a consistent application state.

Conclusion: Memory leaks can negatively impact the performance and stability of Android applications. By understanding the common scenarios that can cause memory leaks and adopting proper memory management techniques, you can create more efficient and reliable applications. Be mindful of object lifecycles, release references appropriately, terminate threads when necessary, and avoid performing long-running operations on the main thread. These practices will help prevent memory leaks and ensure optimal memory usage in your Android applications.

