Know how the BGMI ranking system works? Guide to reaching conqueror fast.

Aditya Parsutkar
2 min readJun 17, 2023


In a BGMI match, every mode has a separate point system. BGMI has six tiers, starting with bronze and ending with conqueror. Each tier requires a different set of points to be achieved, depending on numerous in-game factors like eliminating opponents and restoring health.

How the BGMI ranking system works:

Bronze Tier: requires 1500 points to reach.
Silver Tier: requires 1800 points to reach
Gold Tier: requires 2200 points to reach.
Platinum Tier: requires 2700 points to reach.
Diamond Tier: requires 3200 points to reach.
Crown Tier: requires 3700 points to reach.
Ace Tier: requires 4200 points to reach.
Ace Master tier: requires 4700 points to reach.
Ace Dominator Tier: requires 5200 points to reach.
Conqueror Tier: The top 100 players on the server get the conqueror title.

The calculation of ranking points is based on various factors, including the grades achieved in the game, such as eliminations, final position, health restored, damage dealt, and revivals performed.
In every game, players earn points based on several factors that contribute to their overall score. The points can range from -30 to 30–40, and the grading system follows a progression from B, A, S, S+, up to SS+. Let’s take a look at the different elements that impact the point calculation:

  1. Survival Time: For every minute of survival, players are awarded XP points. Skilled players often employ health restoration items and strategic positioning within the blue zone to enhance their rankings.

2. Kill Rating: The number of kills and the amount of damage inflicted on enemies determine the points earned. Experimentation is necessary to determine the precise points awarded per kill.

3. Health Restoration and Revival: Points are gained by restoring your own health and reviving teammates. Collaborating with teammates to perform swift revivals, even if it means jumping out of a moving vehicle, can significantly boost rankings.

4. Damage Points: Inflicting damage on enemies, regardless of whether they are eliminated or not, contributes to the points earned.

5. Airdrop Points: Successfully capturing airdrops and acquiring high-quality loot are rewarded with additional points.

6. Surviving in Rush Areas: Points are earned by successfully surviving in highly contested and intense areas of the map.

7. Top Placement: Securing a spot in the top 10, top 3, second place, or winning the match significantly impacts the points earned.

8. Movement and Travel: Actions such as running, utilising medical supplies, and travelling in vehicles also contribute to the overall points calculation.

It’s important to note that the specific point values for each factor may vary and require in-game experimentation and observation to precisely determine the scoring system.

