Unleashing Creativity: Building a Food Recipe Generator with Streamlit and OpenAI

Aditya Chavan
7 min readNov 12, 2023


In a world where technology continually pushes the boundaries of what’s possible, I embarked on a journey to combine the power of natural language generation and user interaction. The result? A delightful Food Recipe Generator built using Streamlit and the OpenAI API.

The Appetizer: Introduction to the Project

Ever found yourself standing in front of the refrigerator, clueless about what to cook? I certainly have. That’s when inspiration struck — what if we could harness the capabilities of AI to generate personalized recipes based on user preferences? This led to the birth of the Food Recipe Generator, a project that seamlessly blends intuitive user inputs with the creative prowess of OpenAI.

Setting the Table: Technologies at Play

At the heart of this culinary adventure are two key technologies: Streamlit and the OpenAI API. Streamlit, known for its simplicity and rapid prototyping capabilities, serves as the perfect canvas for creating interactive and user-friendly web applications. Meanwhile, the OpenAI API brings the magic of language models, enabling the generation of unique and tailored recipes.

In this article, we’ll dive into the code, explore the nuances of the project, and uncover the ingredients that make this Food Recipe Generator a flavorful experience.

Ready to explore the intersection of technology and gastronomy? Let’s roll up our sleeves and step into the kitchen of code.

Project Overview: Crafting Culinary Creativity with Streamlit and OpenAI

A Taste of Innovation

In a world where technology is often associated with complexity, I set out to create a project that brings simplicity and creativity to the forefront. The Food Recipe Generator is not just a utility; it’s a testament to the seamless integration of user interaction and artificial intelligence.

Goals and Inspiration

The primary goal of this project was to empower users with a tool that goes beyond conventional recipe searches. Inspired by moments of culinary indecision, I aimed to develop a generator capable of producing personalized recipes based on a user’s unique preferences and dietary requirements. By leveraging the natural language generation capabilities of the OpenAI API, the aim was to transform mundane cooking decisions into an exciting and personalized culinary journey.

The Ingredients: Streamlit and OpenAI API

Streamlit — A Canvas for Creativity

Streamlit, chosen as the foundation for this project, offered an intuitive and rapid development framework. Its declarative syntax allowed for the seamless integration of user inputs and dynamic content generation, making it the perfect canvas for crafting an interactive and visually appealing user interface.

OpenAI API — The Creative Chef

At the heart of the recipe generation process lies the OpenAI API. Leveraging state-of-the-art language models, the API becomes the creative chef, translating user inputs into vibrant and personalized recipe narratives. This dynamic interaction between the user and the AI enhances the overall user experience, turning recipe generation into a collaborative and engaging process.

What’s on the Menu

Food Recipe Generator caters to a diverse set of user needs:

  • Personalized Recipes: Tailored to user preferences, including age, fitness goals, dietary restrictions, and cuisine preferences.
  • Nutritional Information: Each generated recipe comes complete with nutritional details, ensuring users make informed choices aligned with their health and wellness objectives.
  • Visual Delight: To enhance the user experience, the generator incorporates images of the proposed dishes sourced from Unsplash, adding a visual feast to the culinary journey.

Setting Up the Environment

Before diving into building our personalized food recipe generator, let’s ensure our development environment is properly set up. Here are the steps to get started:

1. Python Installation

Make sure you have Python installed on your machine. You can download the latest version of Python from the official website.

2. Streamlit Installation

We’ll use Streamlit to create the user interface for our application. Install Streamlit using pip:

pip install streamlit

3. OpenAI API Key

To interact with the OpenAI API, you’ll need an API key. If you don’t have one, sign up on the OpenAI website to get your API key.

Once you have the key, set it as an environment variable. For example, on Linux or macOS:

export OPENAI_API_KEY=your_api_key_here

On Windows:

set OPENAI_API_KEY=your_api_key_here

4. Unsplash Access Key

For fetching images related to generated recipes, we’ll use the Unsplash API. Obtain your Unsplash access key by signing up at https://unsplash.com/developers.

Set the Unsplash access key as an environment variable, similar to the OpenAI API key.

5. Project Setup

Clone the GitHub repository containing the project files:

git clone https://github.com/adityachavan198/thefoodiegenius

Navigate to the project directory:

cd thefoodiegenius

6. Virtual Environment (Optional but Recommended)

Create a virtual environment to isolate the project dependencies:

python -m venv venv

Activate the virtual environment:

  • On Linux or macOS:
source venv/bin/activate
  • On Windows:

7. Install Dependencies

Install the required Python packages:bashCopy code

pip install -r requirements.txt

8. Verify Setup

Run the Streamlit app to ensure everything is set up correctly:

streamlit run app.py

Visit the provided local URL (usually http://localhost:8501), and you should see the initial version of your food recipe generator.

Visual Tour: A Glimpse into the Food Recipe Generator

Enhancements and Customizations

One of the exciting aspects of this project is its flexibility for customization. Here are several ways you can enhance and customize the project to suit your preferences or experiment with new features:

1. Adding More User Input Options

1.1. Ingredient Preferences

Allow users to specify ingredient preferences. This can be achieved by expanding the Streamlit user interface to include additional input fields for preferred ingredients or ingredients to avoid.

# Example Streamlit code
preferred_ingredients = st.text_input("Preferred Ingredients (comma-separated)")
avoid_ingredients = st.text_input("Ingredients to Avoid (comma-separated)")

Update your OpenAI API prompt to incorporate these new user inputs.

1.2. Cooking Time

Give users the option to specify their desired cooking time. This can be achieved by adding a new input field for cooking time in minutes.

# Example Streamlit code
cooking_time = st.number_input("Maximum Cooking Time (minutes)", min_value=1, step=1)

Include the cooking time information in your OpenAI API prompt.

2. Advanced Image Retrieval

Improve the image retrieval process by incorporating advanced techniques. You might want to fetch images from multiple sources or implement a caching mechanism to store previously fetched images for better performance.

3. Multi-Language Support

Enhance the project by adding support for multiple languages. This can be achieved by allowing users to select their preferred language for the generated recipes.

# Example Streamlit code
preferred_language_options = ["English", "Spanish", "French", "German", "Other"]
preferred_language = st.selectbox("Select Preferred Language", preferred_language_options)

Modify your OpenAI API prompt to include the selected language.

Experiment with these enhancements and customizations to make the food recipe generator a truly personalized and dynamic experience.


Embarking on this project, my primary objective was to delve into the realms of the OpenAI API and Streamlit, and what an enlightening journey it has been! This endeavor has not only broadened my understanding of leveraging artificial intelligence in creative applications but has also provided valuable insights into the capabilities of Streamlit for rapid development.

Streamlit: A Game-Changer for Rapid Development

Streamlit has proven to be a game-changer in the world of rapid development. Its simplicity and efficiency allowed me to focus on the creative aspects of the project rather than getting bogged down by the intricacies of building a user interface from scratch. The interactive and responsive nature of Streamlit made the development process not just educational but enjoyable.

MVPs Made Easy

One remarkable takeaway from this experience is the realization that the combination of OpenAI and Streamlit is a potent force for creating Minimum Viable Products (MVPs). The speed at which ideas can be translated into functional applications is truly impressive. It opens up exciting possibilities for prototyping and testing concepts rapidly.

As this project concludes, I’m not just closing the chapter on a food recipe generator; I’m stepping into a world where the tools at my disposal have empowered me to turn ideas into reality swiftly. Whether you’re a seasoned developer or just starting your coding journey, exploring the synergy between OpenAI and Streamlit is an investment in both knowledge and efficiency.

Explore the Code

For those eager to dive deeper into the project, the entire source code is available on GitHub. Feel free to explore, clone, and experiment.

Link to GitHub Repository

Here, you’ll find:

  • 📁 Codebase: The complete set of files and scripts.
  • 🚀 Instructions: Detailed guidelines on setting up the project locally.

Your feedback is invaluable! If you have suggestions, bug reports, or ideas for improvement, please create an issue on GitHub. Let’s collaborate and make this project even better together.

If you have reached this far, thank you for reading this article!

Connect with me on LinkedIn!

PS: This tutorial may seem basic, but that’s intentional. The goal is to emphasize the efficiency and power of rapidly building Minimum Viable Products (MVPs) using these tools, showcasing the potential of AI in a straightforward manner. I believe that most MVPs should be developed quickly and then iteratively improved based on feedback to uncover the optimal product-market fit.

This quick project is just the beginning, highlighting the power of AI tools for swift and impactful product creation. Stay tuned for more articles exploring AI applications across various fields.

