Side-effects in jetpack compose

7 min readJul 27, 2024


👋 This Side Aditya,

In my previous article i discussed about basic advanced jetpack compose layout for dynamic UI, if you haven’t seen it you can find here Advanced Jetpack Compose Layout For Dynamic UI.

Now it’s time to dive into side-effects, generally we android dev have habit of performing operation without thinking of it’s effect on the performance. but know if you are working on jetpack compose you have to follow jetpack compose guidelines, and in this artical will discuss about side-effects.

What Is Side-Effects :

Whenever we tries to change the state of the composable function it should be done inside an controlled environment, because composable function has property like recomposition any time, recomposition in any order. if we not properly control how and when our state state changes it leads to unpredictable output.

but now you may have a question like how should we control this ?

answer is you should use Effect API’s so that side effect should run in predictable manner. let’s see them one by one.

1. LaunchEffect :

LaunchEffect is basically composable function which contains coroutine block in it. it is attached with the lifecycle of composable function and it take ‘key’ if key value change it will remove current coroutine and relaunch it self by launching new coroutine and LaunchEffect also get cancel is composition leaves . so whenever you want to execute any suspend function or you want to perform any database or networking or any other operation’s you can opt this. let see quick example of this

// Allow the pulse rate to be configured, so it can be speed up if the user is running
// out of time
var pulseRateMs by remember { mutableStateOf(3000L) }
val alpha = remember { Animatable(1f) }
LaunchedEffect(pulseRateMs) { // Restart the effect when the pulse rate changes
while (isActive) {
delay(pulseRateMs) // Pulse the alpha every pulseRateMs to alert the user

In above example we are trying to show animation “pulseRateMs” is acting as a key whenever its value change it trigger LaunchEffect to run again inside the body we have a while loop which has “isActive” you can consider it as “true” always inside while we have “delay (suspendable function)” with has “pulseRateMs” as a value means it will hold the coroutine some “pulseRateMs” time and then execute the animation.

so basically whenever you want to perform any task either it could be database , network or anything else operation you can consider LaunchEffect.

2. DisposableEffect :

This is same as LaunchEffect , it also take key and whenever key change it remove the coroutine and create new one and use it and whenever Composable remove it cancel the DisposableEffect, but it has one feature “cleanup” basically when the coroutine remove it will cleanup the resource which he occupied and make it available for other’s . it does it with the help of observer called “onDispose”. let see example

fun HomeScreen(
lifecycleOwner: LifecycleOwner = LocalLifecycleOwner.current,
onStart: () -> Unit, // Send the 'started' analytics event
onStop: () -> Unit // Send the 'stopped' analytics event
) {
// Safely update the current lambdas when a new one is provided
val currentOnStart by rememberUpdatedState(onStart)
val currentOnStop by rememberUpdatedState(onStop)

// If `lifecycleOwner` changes, dispose and reset the effect
DisposableEffect(lifecycleOwner) {
// Create an observer that triggers our remembered callbacks
// for sending analytics events
val observer = LifecycleEventObserver { _, event ->
if (event == Lifecycle.Event.ON_START) {
} else if (event == Lifecycle.Event.ON_STOP) {

// Add the observer to the lifecycle

// When the effect leaves the Composition, remove the observer
onDispose {

/* Home screen content */

In above example , we are trying to send the analytics event to server consider it. “lifecycleOwner” will help us to know the state of the HomeScreen like is it in START state or STOP state. based on it’s state we will send the analytics data to server, here we are attaching an “observer” to “lifecycleOwner” and in “onDispose” we will clear it . so you might have a question when will this “onDispose” will get call , it will get call in 2 case first when the “lifecycleOwner” change and when this “HomeScreen” composable will no longer visible to user .

3. rememberCoroutineScope :

if you think that LaunchEffect and DispposableEffect is only way to execute the coroutineScope then you have not seen this rememberCoroutineScope. where LaunchEffect and DispposableEffect are it self a composable function that’s why you can’t use them outside composable function, rememberCoroutineScope is not a composable function yet is it strictly attach with composable function so that whenever composable leave the composition then this rememberCoroutineScope will also get canceled. so you might ask when to user it so whenever to want to perform the task on any activity done by user like button click , scroll etc.. then you can use this inside there callback function directly. let see an example

fun MoviesScreen(snackbarHostState: SnackbarHostState) {

// Creates a CoroutineScope bound to the MoviesScreen's lifecycle
val scope = rememberCoroutineScope()

snackbarHost = {
SnackbarHost(hostState = snackbarHostState)
) { contentPadding ->
Column(Modifier.padding(contentPadding)) {
onClick = {
// Create a new coroutine in the event handler to show a snackbar
scope.launch {
snackbarHostState.showSnackbar("Something happened!")
) {
Text("Press me")

The above example is self explanatory , the rememberCoroutineScope “scope” is attach to “MoviesScreen” lifecycle basically so that whenever MoviesScreen” is not available to user it will remove all the coroutine launch by “rememberCoroutineScope”.

4. rememberUpdatedState :

LaunchEffect basically relaunch whenever the key change but it is not necessary that every time you want to relaunch the effect if something change sometime you might require an feature where you want to change the state but that change shouldn’t relaunch the side effect again in that case you can “rememberUpdatedState”. basically “rememberUpdatedState” create a refference to value which can directly updated or capture without relaunching the effect. let see the example

fun LandingScreen(onTimeout: () -> Unit) {

// This will always refer to the latest onTimeout function that
// LandingScreen was recomposed with
val currentOnTimeout by rememberUpdatedState(onTimeout)

// Create an effect that matches the lifecycle of LandingScreen.
// If LandingScreen recomposes, the delay shouldn't start again.
LaunchedEffect(true) {

/* Landing screen content */

in above example “onTimeout” is the value and we are referencing it with currentOnTimeout using “rememberUpdatedState” so for example is you pass “functionOne()” as an argument to “LandingScreen” composable and “SplashWaitTimeMillis” is 5 second’s and after 2 second you changed “LandingScreen” parameter with “functionOne()” with “functionTwo()” then “functionTwo()” will get call in LaunchedEffect without relaunching of LaunchedEffect again.

5. produceState :

the produceState launch the coroutine and return the coroutine with a state basically it manages to production on state value for there consumer, in simple language it contains coroutine and inside the coroutine you will create a value and then value will be return to consumer. it has a very important use case with a reactive programming library like Flow, LiveData, Rxjava, and you can also use this for other cases like whenever any other state change we want to update state which create with produceState. let see example

fun loadNetworkImage(
url: String,
imageRepository: ImageRepository = ImageRepository()
): State<Result<Image>> {

// Creates a State<T> with Result.Loading as initial value
// If either `url` or `imageRepository` changes, the running producer
// will cancel and will be re-launched with the new inputs.
return produceState<Result<Image>>(initialValue = Result.Loading, url, imageRepository) {

// In a coroutine, can make suspend calls
val image = imageRepository.load(url)

// Update State with either an Error or Success result.
// This will trigger a recomposition where this State is read
value = if (image == null) {
} else {

In above example if you see we are making api request with “imageRepository” and then in the end we are returning the result so that we can consume it’s image response wherever we are using it.

6. derivedStateOf :

derivedStateOf help use to create a state from another state, so when to use it a when you have a input which leads to recompose of your UI more often then it actually required that time you can use the derivedStateOf.

let’s take example we have a floating action button on right bottom and i want to show it when user not seeing the 1st item on the list that time you can use derivedStateOf with the condition like what is the current top fully viisble item > 0 . let see the code.

// When the messages parameter changes, the MessageList
// composable recomposes. derivedStateOf does not
// affect this recomposition.
fun MessageList(messages: List<Message>) {
Box {
val listState = rememberLazyListState()

LazyColumn(state = listState) {
// ...

// Show the button if the first visible item is past
// the first item. We use a remembered derived state to
// minimize unnecessary compositions
val showButton by remember {
derivedStateOf {
listState.firstVisibleItemIndex > 0

AnimatedVisibility(visible = showButton) {

If you see above example we have full screen list “listState” and we have a “showButton” state with “derivedStateOf” which has condition with the state “listState” if “firstVisibleItemIndex” is more than 0 then we make “showButton” true and it will show button .

7. snapshotFlow :

you can use snapshotFlow to convert compose state to cold flow, it works same as kotlin cold flow here you also can emit and collect the value in collector and this is cold flow so if there is not collector it won’t emit any value the behaviour of emitting value is same as “Flow.distinctUntilChanged()” means if there is no change in value it will not emit the same data once it is emittied (we will more discuess this in coroutine article).

let see example

val listState = rememberLazyListState()

LazyColumn(state = listState) {
// ...

LaunchedEffect(listState) {
snapshotFlow { listState.firstVisibleItemIndex }
.map { index -> index > 0 }
.filter { it == true }
.collect {

the above example is same as previous scroll example here if you see we are using “snapshotFlow” with “listState.firstVisibleItemIndex” as the index of “listState.firstVisibleItemIndex” change it with relaunch the LaunchEffect and emit and collect the value in “.collect{}” callback.

Side-effect is really interesting topic in jetpack compose and if you readed this article till here you might have more interest in knowing this in more deeply. so if you want to read more about this you caan follow an offical documentation below created by google.

Thank you,

Next article will be on State Of Jetpack Compose. Stay Tune.

