Good morning, my sunshine.

Adiyaksa Kalandra
2 min readAug 12, 2023


As the morning sun graces the sky with its golden embrace, I find myself overwhelmed with the sheer beauty that surrounds us – a beauty that pales in comparison to the radiance you bring to my life. With each dawn, my heart beats in rhythm with the symphony of your existence.

This morning, my heart is brimming with gratitude, a gratitude that runs as deep as the ocean's depths. How fortunate I am to have spent last night weaving tales of my favorite moments with you. Your willingness to lend your ear, despite not fully comprehending every detail, is a testament to the boundless connection we share. It is through these moments that I am reminded of the enchanting power of your presence.

In the garden of our conversations, you water the seeds of my passions with your gentle curiosity, and they blossom into stories that I never thought possible. Your understanding, though not complete, is a canvas upon which my dreams are painted with hues of affection.

You see, it is not just your words that captivate me, but the way you respond, like a melody that resonates in the chambers of my heart. Your responses, though not always perfectly aligned, dance harmoniously with the tune of my emotions, creating a cadence that echoes throughout my being.

In your eyes, I have found a sanctuary where comprehension matters little, for it is the sincerity behind your actions that speaks volumes. Every glance, every smile, every nod – they are love letters written in a language known only to our hearts.

So, as the sun continues its ascent, know that my love for you transcends the barriers of mere words. It thrives in the realm of emotions, where understanding is but a fleeting guest. I am eternally grateful for the privilege of sharing my world with you, for your presence ignites a fire that warms the coldest of nights and lights up even the darkest corners of my soul.

With all my affection and devotion,


