The Definitive SaaS Financial Model Template for Startups

Alexander Jarvis
5 min readFeb 6, 2018

For traditional SaaS companies with consumer and/or SME customers. There is no model like this on the internet. Features highly granular revenue forecasting with monthly cohort level modeling. Choose from 3 built in pricing models, professional services, as well as expansion revenue. A full stack of marketing options from paid to channel sales, drive leads/registrations for consumer and SME customers. 3 years (36 months) of detailed P&L for actual, forecast and combined, as well as cash based analysis. Manually plan out your hiring of staff and automate sales and support staff depending on how you scale. Charts, KPIs, all your COGS mapped out. Unique source and use sheet illustrates your plan for your pitch deck. And a lot more…

Video overview

You can download the model here.

  • Are you a SaaS company with monthly and/or annual customers?
  • Do you automatically onboard customers, or use a sales team to support the conversion of leads to trials? Do you have consumer/SME offerings to disparate customers?
  • As the CEO or CFO (or sole founder…) are you wondering how the hell you can model all this for your fundraising?

You should be concerned… because it’s hard as hell. Trust me. Sure, you might find a free template (I’m happy to send you links to the free models online), but something actually complete and useful that just works? Forget it.

I know, because I had to do it myself.

I was raising for one of my SaaS companies and there just wasn’t anything out there good enough. So I blew a few weeks and made something it turns out others think is fairly nifty.

“How long did it take you to build this? It’s incredible!”

Investor at Insight Venture Partners, USA

“OMG, thank you! This model is amaaaaazing!”

Mitch Harris, Napalm Death band member and to-be founder, USA

“You’re really good.”

Dan, founder of I-Inside, France

It’s also worth noting that every time I build a new model and figure out some improvement, all 50Folds models get updated with the new learnings and features. I recently shipped a new version upgrade for the SaaS model and here’s what one happy customer had to say:

Alexander, I wanted to take a moment to say I really appreciate the updates. Sometimes, people put out things and never come back to nurture the product over time. Really appreciated. BTW, index/match and sumproduct are waaaayyy better then vlookup, so kudos!


Darren Spurgeon

I’m an ex-M&A banker and VC, and I’ve literally spent months of 100 hour weeks modelling to be able to make this model available to you. Feel free to ask your M&A buddy to build something for you for a few grand. I’ve been sent those models (as I’ve been asked to make a new one after). They’re not terrible, but they don’t make sense as they don’t understand how startup works.

I don’t build these models for kids. There are a granular assumptions and you need to understand high-level details of your business. But if you know what your pricing is, what you think a reasonable churn rate is… you don’t have to code one formula! And you get a serious result.

This is the only model on the internet which can serve all your needs SaaS needs. If someone had built it before, I sure as hell would not have taken the very deep pain to do so.

The 50Folds consumer and SME SaaS financial model is the most comprehensive and powerful fundraising excel model available for SaaS founders. Nothing else comes close. If you are looking to impress investors with a thoughtful plan, this is it.

If you truly want to understand your operations in detail, then download it now.

Are you growing like a rocket and don’t have the time to fill out the model, but want the results? No stress. We’ll build it for you.

This model comes with 20 minutes of consulting to help you get the most out of it.

Below we will look at the high level features of the model, screen shots on each sheet, there’s a video on each of the sheets (Note: Model has been updated with some new features and sheets such as for sales staff) and some further descriptions.

Model screenshots

There are extensive screen shots here

Video training course

There is a video on every sheet of the model to explain how it works and to fill it in.

To reduce the length of this sheet I’ve put them on a separate page.

Watch the training videos!

You can download the model here.

